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SPOILERS ABOUND! Today we take a look at the cinematic at the end of Ardenweald that deals with Ysera.
Watch the cinematic here:
I should have been more clear (Sorry I was excited to get back to playing), I'm only in Bastion on live but I've kept up with the Alpha/Beta testing intimately, meaning I know what the entire 9.0 storyline is. I didn't just watch this cinematic without any context. I know what's going on, when this cinematic takes place, and what happens before/after as I described.
5 AM here, just finished Bastion, Lvl 54 and now on my way to bed 🙂
Yes I am also aware of the possibility that it's Eonar but here's the reason why I don't believe this:
a.) Eonar is in self-imprisonment at the Seat of the Pantheon. And at this point, the "Eonar —> Ysera" interaction is no longer the canon. Eonar isn't the one who blessed the Dragonflights, it was Titan Watchers on their behalf. Furthermore, Ysera was around before the Titans found Azeroth in the first place, she existed as a Proto-Drake, same as the Emerald Dream, which existed before the Titans found the planet.
b.) Elune and Ysera share a LOT of common lore, and are known to have multiple connections, including regarding Malorne and Cenarius.
c.) Elune DIRECTLY intervenes when Ysera dies and takes her spirit to the Shadowlands to protect it from the Maw, placing it into the Wildseed pod. The pod that the Winter Queen is talking about regarding being "Her sister's pet" exists only because Elune saved her.
MY GIRL LIVES! PRAISE THE QUEEN! This confirms what i've been thinking that Elune is a first one
I just cant bring myself to play this game anymore..just so boring, but I like watching ur reactions and ur opinions about stuff
my hype lies in cyberpunk2077
I'm digging the Shadowlands lore so far. Seems to me that threads are being tied up in neat ends, without universally concluding those characters permanently. I'll be watching your other reactions (if you record them) with interest!
Damn this actually got me emotional… Dunno why, i am not that big of a fan of Ysera. Must be the music man… Nightsong is so beautifull, It is definitely in my top 3 best songs blizz ever made.
Elune works, but I believe she means Eonar. I think somewhere in questlines and/or in World Quests Ysera is reffered to as Eonar's pet.
Pretty sure she was refering to Eonar, not Elune, when she was speaking about sister.
Ardenweald is for furries!
Winter queen: Fuck you say? Hold my fucking beer.
Will you react to the other ones? 😀
I cryed a lot!!!
I think her sister is Eonar
When the winter queen says that Ysera is of her "sister" who she means ? Elune or Eonar?
If it is Eonar then its alright with what we have seen already, they are the Pantheon of Death and Eonar would be of the Pantheon of Order.
But if she is talking about Elune, what would it mean? Elune is a Titan? An member of the Pantheon of Death? A member of another kind of Pantheon?
VERY few times in wow cinematic have I cried THIS IS ONE OF THEM
is her Sister Elune ? so i wonder what Elune looks like
Eonar is winter queen sister not e
Elune I think Elune is the first ones
Our girl is back 😊
People keep asking when I'll react to the other cinematics. I've stopped playing the game after seeing the Sylvanas cinematic due to how much I disliked it.
So who knows. There won't be a Sylvanas cinematic reaction because I already saw it and I don't want to fake my reaction.
I'm currently 54 in Oribos after having just finished Bastion and I haven't played it since finishing Bastion and don't know when I will continue, if ever.
Just fyi.
I believe Eonar is Winter Queen's sister (as it was Eonar who blessed Ysera and Alexstrasza) and Elune is their 'Mother' basically. Elune being one of these 'First Ones' that made the Pantheons
When I say I cried like a BABY during the entire Ysera storyline. Oh boy
I definitely think that her sister is Eonar and not Elune. First off, Eonar is the creator of the Emerald Dream, which is the Spring and Summer to the Winter Queen's Fall and Winter. They're both "gods" of nature and rebirth, I think this is more of a "sister in purpose" as opposed to actual sisters. Secondly Eonar is the one who empowered Ysera and it was for her that Ysera worked to protect the Emerald dream. Elune has very little to do with Ysera outside of her training Cenarius and Elune later guiding her to the shadowlands, in addition to this the night fae covenant sell and item called "Memory of Eonar" implying that she's somehow tied to that covenant. Elune being her sister would be an obfuscation and would make far less sense than it being Eonar.
"I don't know what's going to happen, I do know she is reborn but-"
So, basically you know literally everything that happens in the video.
Finished up Bastion, Mald, Ardeneald and just landed in Revendreth and managed to avoid spoilers so I knew we found Ysera in a wildseed but not this <3 Boy cue the ugly crying. Also….Winter Queen is Elune's sister confirmed <3 And people still have the nerve to say Winter Queen is evil/nefarious in some way.
As you take Ysera's pod to the Winter Queen along the road, all of the nightfae come out and sing night song as you pass. One of the most beautiful moments on the game.
Why else would they show Ysera's Legion cinematic in Shadowlands? Def hinting towards Elune since Ardenwealds color scheme closely matches Elune from that cinematic. Why would the Winter Queen dislike her 'Sister's Pet' a.k.a Ysera?