WoW Shadowlands 9.1.5 | Protection Paladin Mage Tower Challenge

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Blessed Hammer
Crusader’s Judgment
Fist of Justice
Divine Purpose
Consecrated Ground
Righteous Protector

I wore my Heart of Azeroth and legendary BfA cloak, and used Unbridled Fury dps pot. Other than that I didn’t have any special gear. My trinkets were a Shadowlands world quest Queen’s Vigil and Shard of Annhylde’s Aegis.

I was more comfortable with Divine Purpose over Seraphim. I found that it made me tankier and I didn’t have the HP to spare when I tried with Seraphim especially in Phase 2. It’s also nice when you get a proc and are able to use a SotR on the nether adds to burst them down quicker.

In P2 I HoJed every initial cast of Annihilation, and in this kill I SotRed the first, GoAK + SotR the second, bubbled the 3rd and ADed the fourth one right before I killed Kruul. If there would’ve been a 5th I would’ve used BoP. I got super freaked out and got knocked a million times towards the end, but luckily had a goblin glider for the one that would’ve actually knocked me into oblivion.

Definitely was not a pretty kill, but I’m still super happy that this one is done!


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