Make 90k+ Per Day with Mission Tables! Ft. Zanzarful | 9.2.5 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video talks about mission tables and how useful they are for goldmaking! We are joined by Zanzarful and he talks about his methods with mission tables and how much gold he makes from them. This method is perfect for anyone who has a lot of alts and wants to avoid the AH!

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0:00 Background Information
4:08 Interview w/ Zan
21:00 Outro

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#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


18 thoughts on “Make 90k+ Per Day with Mission Tables! Ft. Zanzarful | 9.2.5 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. I can take a wild stab in the dark as to why Dragonflight will not/might not have mission tables or w/e. Because Blizz wants to make money and everyone is paying for their subs with gold instead of real money.
    I personally just bought my 1st ever WoW token this week.
    I didn’t completely understand how WoW tokens worked.
    Now that I do I will never pay real money again.
    And thanx to learning, I believe from you Penguin, I can buy the expansion with gold, hell ya I am saving up!!!!

    I have always used every gold making ability in the Garrison to the now existing Mission Tables. I always thought, passive income!
    I have 7 lvl 60’s. 2 of which don’t even have that many followers. Just because I hate having to run Torghast. And I make roughly 5-20k a day. It just depends on what missions I might have available as well as how many XP or Anima runs I am also doing that day.

    Great vid!
    I would love to see you make a video on how to get all the followers you can so I can maximize my potential.
    Btw: I am also a new sub as of this week.

    Your awesome! Keep it up!❤️

  2. Tl;dr addon is awesome, thanks to that Im actually doing missions on all my alts! And as I just discovered in settings it can even automatically start the missions for you after calculating. My time spent per character on mission table went from couple of minutes to 45 sec max. Kinda regret not leveling more characters to max but at this point I dont think Im gonna bother (I have 10 around level 40).

  3. Blizzard has done a great job you have an item for 10k anima in orb on a vendor that instantly makes everybody 30, with just normal followers you are set for every mission at 45 alts well over time you find items to give xp that are boa. At 25 alts all new tables instantly are 60

  4. When I first started watching this, I was thinking you were going to discuss mission tables through all the expansions. Is there any good gold farming in building up previous expansion tables? I know the Garrison has it's own unique features building it up to produce omen cards and goblin gliders. I'm wondering if you could use the farm in Panderia to crate motes of life and turn them in for trillium and maybe transmute into living steel (not sure if this works out).

  5. to make more money one should do callings as those missions are underway, even the weeklies for ZM, Korthia and Anima would all add a lot of daily gold, cant do them on as many toons at once, but there's no doubt that would help, especially when not many people have an army of alts ready to do table. XD

  6. when you have your mouse over an item (ex an armor that you just crafted) and you don't see the region sale rate and region sale avg or region avg daily sold is that normal or is something I do wrong in TSM?

  7. Do you girl know long it takes to turn on all 45 characters and do the mission table ? Even with the addon it will be long and sooo boriiiing repeating the samething 45 time.


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