WoW Shadowlands 9.1.5 Updates – Honor Gear and Alts Returning?! My Thoughts!

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9 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands 9.1.5 Updates – Honor Gear and Alts Returning?! My Thoughts!”

  1. Hopefully Blizzard has learned their lesson after 2 expansions. They need to listen to what their customers want. They also need to listen to their customers feedback.

    The changes are good. Hopefully players return.

  2. too late for me, 4 extensions that they make us unfinished promises 4 years that they say "we have listened to the community" and do everything in reverse! long live new world and ff14, which kills wow

  3. shadowlands changes come far too late lets talk about the systems added to the game that no one likes or ask for that keeps getting re-named and reused each expansion warlords of draenor there was the hole garrison it self and the table + naval mission table then in legion the garrison got a re-name to class order hall + campaign table mission then add artifact knowledge + power then add one more grind in Argos Netherlight Crucible and in giving players artifact weapons then changing class's hole play style to fit there weapons as soon as you remove artifacts of coerce class's are going to feel broken seen as they was forced to change to fit artifact weapons that got removed then in battle for azeroth no class order hall but we got that nasty Azerite armor + heart of azeroth with no account wide Azerite Traits unlock and artifact power got a re-name to Azerite now we are in shadowlands and oh look class order halls are back but we call them covenants Azerite is now anima Azerite Traits are conduits the campaign table mission with a re-name i forgot and can't be bothered to look up now we get to the legendarys is it just me or did anyone notice that almost all shadowlands legendarys are legion legendary powers but with a nerf and that 3 shard of domination powers are old re-used powers with a nerf to


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