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WoW 2v2 arena Beast Mastery(BM) Hunter + Resto Shaman gameplay with commentary explaining what I’m doing and also why I’m doing it.
We played the games around 2300-2500 MMR and we won most of the games that we played in the first minute or two of the game!
This comp does extremely high damage and the games are often really fast paced. This is because you have the shaman doing a very large amount of damage with their earth elemental as well as them having a ranged interrupt and also high damage with lava bursts and even a stun totem. When you pair this with the high ST pressure which a BM can bring then it’s extremely strong.
As for the title the reason this comp can perform well vs WW/Hunters especially when they have a resto druid is that because the shaman can purge all of their hots then eventually after the druid has used their cooldowns (Ironbark and Barkskin) NS and overgrowth then they will find it hard to top their teammate as you can interrupt them if they try to cast and purge their hots if they try to heal that way. Therefore you’re able to just run them over with damage and pressure.
Another advantage to t his comp is that CC doesn’t matter too much since the earth ele will break any traps if it goes on top of them so therefore you just need to focus on doing damage and stopping their healing with interrupts and stuns.
Overall I really enjoyed playing this comp as the games were really short, faced paced, and often healers just couldn’t keep up! We would often kill people before a minute into the game
Awesome content. Thank you!
u made me start playign my hunter again. such a fun class. good video
Ty for uploading Billy, you help so much! 🙂