WoW Shadowlands and a 100$ GPU for 1440p (GTX 780Ti)

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We are facing hard times finding GPUs, but for a WoW player is easier to find good alternatives! Here you can see this old (but gold) ex flagship performance in a real gameplay test in the Shadowlands areas.

– The gameplay was recorded with an external card and system to have 0 performance loss

The base systems:

AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
Ballistix Sport LT 2x8GB 3200MHz C16
NVIDIA GTX 780Ti Founders Edition
Crucial NVMe 500GB
Cooler Master Masterbox Q300L
Cooler Master MWE 450W V2
Acer Predator X27P 4K 144Hz HDR 1000


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23 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands and a 100$ GPU for 1440p (GTX 780Ti)”

  1. 1060 3 gb from skylake rig has been fine in my 9600k. Does 95 percent of things I want well. I can even 2box comfortably (2 clients since there's no broadcast software) for my renown weeklies. I turn down settings on world boss this week Maldraxxus and still get very high fps no issues with any world boss as long as settings aren't maxed. Maldraxxus one is the most taxing. Ardenweald I think is always around 60-100 dps, around 80 average, but very playable 1080p. I would run more bgs with better card but am collecting the covenant mounts; finished 2 of the covenant campaigns (kyrian and venthyr) since 9.1 will add new mounts for each. Raid is fine, as long as I lower settings.

  2. 90 degree, as how old the card and used is, at that temperature daily, I won't give it more than 3 months until will die. I stay away from old and used cards since my 980 ti.

  3. The beauty of WoW is its scalability plus a 780ti is right around 1060 6GB performance for reference. Playable and maxed are two different things. WoW @ 4k maxed RT enabled puts a beating on my 3090 in Ardenweald along with outdoor raid bosses. Ardenweald pulls almost 400w at stock there on my KP 3090. I'd love to see you do some Ardenweald benchmark runs with your setups and cards up to ultra.

  4. Hello

    I built your pc recommendation with 3300x water cooling ram box[exactly what your suggested] it works fine with my 2070 super👍👍
    As I am playing mainly warzone and rainbow 6, what do you think I should upgrade to have more frames?

    CPU or gpu ?

    Ps:I have a 280hz monitor

    Many thanks

  5. Today with current gpu market then it for sure is an 100€/$ card, but not so long ago like 1-2 months ago I sold two gtx 970 for 50€ and a rx 590 for 130€.

  6. Nice to see someone benchmarking WoW properly in places like Ardenweald and Bastion. On the max preset (without MSAA or ray tracing), even my RTX 3060 barely stays above 60fps at times in those zones. Too many "benchmarks" of WoW just create a new character and judge based on the starter zones, where you get 200fps on a GTX 660.

  7. Was playing SL yesterday on my 5800X/RTX 3080 and i thought to myself, what would WoW look like on my 780Ti at 1440P? would it max out SL at 144FPS avg? Now I know…i think i might bring back my retro 4th gen i7/780Ti, still have those parts :D, TY!


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