HOW TO Pick Your Profession for Shadowlands!

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Crafting professions have changed significantly in Shadowlands, which makes them very useful once again for dedicated WoW crafters and casuals alike. In this video I’ll show you the most impactful changes that stand out to me as a casual solo player who normally doesn’t bother crafting items and just relies on loot drops and quest rewards to equip my army of alts.

Learn about changes to Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting and Enchanting as the most impactful professions that in my opinion are worth your attention as a casual player in World of Warcraft.

Please enjoy this little guide and subscribe for more videos if you haven’t already! 👍

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📑 Table of Contents

00:00 – Intro
01:00 – Contents
03:25 – How to train?
06:22 – Profs I’ll consider
07:10 – My selection logic
08:40 – Blacksmithing
10:33 – Jewelcrafting
12:52 – Leatherworking
15:00 – Tailoring
15:30 – Enchanting
16:07 – SUMMARY

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#professions #guide #shadowlands


18 thoughts on “HOW TO Pick Your Profession for Shadowlands!”

  1. Thanks for this. I've been thinking leatherworking / skinning and this has pretty much made up my mind. I'm going into SLs with my hunter and dh so it makes a lot of sense. A decision is always made easier when someone else agrees though!

  2. As I understand it so far not every legendary effect can be added to just any slot. Am I wrong?
    I like the idea of JC for my paladin but if I can't get the best healing effects on neck or ring I'd rather do something else.

  3. Enjoyed the guide. I'm going with Shadow Priest & Frost Mage to begin SL. Not sure which is gonna be my main. The main will have Tailoring and I'm thinking herbalism for gold making potential.

  4. Just a heads up: Mining now allows about 10 people to mine the same node before it disappears, so competition is much lower than it used to be. However, as you stated, you still need to occasionally go out of your way to gather the nodes.
    Great video!

  5. Thanks for the guide Gyro. Any clue on whether you need to upgrade your professions prior to getting shadowlands recipes and levels or can you start from scratch easily in shadowlands ?

    Solid recommendations on professions for different armour wearers. Legendaries are a big incentive to get back into it seems.

  6. Hey Gyro! Just wanted to say I have been really enjoying your content. The sound is great now compared to when I first started watching :D. So regarding professions, I think that a good general strategy is to take Mining and Herbalism before starting the leveling process in Shadowlands. Mining and herb nodes provide substantial XP and can be collected along the way. One need not go out of the way to grab them to benefit from the XP and level a bit faster. Upon reaching max level, you can drop both profs and sell what you have collected along the way on the AH. If you keep all the Green items (quest rewards, etc) you get while leveling, then after dropping Herbalism/Mining, you can temporarily pick up Enchanting and disenchant all those items for mats to also sell on the AH. Drop Enchanting and finally pick up the new profs you ultimately want to skill up to max. If you are into Skinning/Leatherworking, then I would say go Herbalism and Skinning while leveling and drop Herbing at level 60. Anyway, as a fellow filthy casual I want to say spaceba bolshoi for the videos! 😀

  7. if you can use the book once a week that means you can level 25 levels in one month (5more come from the darkmoon fair profession mission) pretty good for those pesky professions like ingeniering, even if you not doing anything at all you can have a full upgrade profession in a couple of months, sounds really good

  8. Very informative.

    I did not get Beta Access so I have no idea what I will do. I DO want to focus on Crafting once I get to 60 but here are my choices..
    I have four Level 50's ready for SL:

    Hunter (Main)
    Druid (Farmer)
    Mage (Alt Main)
    Rogue (Lock Picking)

    I have no idea which professions I want to put on each but I am leaning towards LW/Skinning for my Hunter since that will be my first to 60.

    Any Advice/Thoughts? ty


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