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WOW Shadowlands Controller Guide (No Add-ons needed) | Ginger Prime Gaming
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How to configure your controller for World of Warcraft. WOW and FFXIV controller guide. How to set up your controller for WOW Shadowlands.
Commands you need:
/console GamePadEnable 1
/console GamePadEmulateCtrl PADLTRIGGER
/console GamePadEmulateShift PADRTRIGGER
For more details, Duff has a great post with some commands for you:
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#WOW #Shadowlands #ControllerGuide
First ;D
WoW bugs….ooof good luck
This work on a Mac you think? DualShock 4 and Xbox one controllers work with it but not on WoW of course. I’d imagine this turns on that ability 🙂
Great Video Really enjoying u and Chris playing wow I would love to do controller but only if wow goes to console. I love playing ff 14 on the PS4 from my couch wit a controller
I would rather shit in my hands and clap then play controller in wow but props to the people who take the time to play it on controller.
Works on Mac too. One thing I haven’t figured out was accepting a quest without selecting “accept” with the mouse. Hopefully this works wi the consoleport to make it easier
Nice vid, cool to see you on WoW I've played since vanilla but didn't realize controller was added naively. I do believe I'll give this a shot, thanks!
As a ffxiv fan im really happy that this is in wow now I can enjoy both 🙂
I’m probably gonna sit wow out indefinitely. The last xpac I finished was wod. Not cause I don’t love the game but life makes it too hard for me to do endgame grind and all that jazz impossible to do lol. I miss having a raid schedule haha
Love the video I like how genuine you are.
Have you tested it out with consoleport yet?
Would love to get a 10-15 minutes video on your very first impressions as a new player.
Finally I can try out wow
Hey Brian thanks for the great video. Not sure if you new but when you speak to an npc (not sure about flying map) your right stick can move the mouse curser and the right trigger acts as the confirm button.
Given that you're already using bartender for your hot bars have you considered creating cross hotbars by turning the bars into 3×3 grids?
You don't have to use your mouse if you have a ps4 controller because of the pad and it has a left and right click on it. So if you got a ps4 controller I would recommend that!
dude fury warrior is GOOD on gamepad
I have my controls in ff pretty close to default honestly, would feel wierd to use the bumpers for targeting as I use the D pad for that. Bumpers usually change the displayed hotbar for quick switch, forget what I have set on the left bumper though.
Thank you for this video!
I wanted to play WoW for so long but hated the addons, so this winter I'm going to live in the game, so happy 🙂
do you have to type / press a macro for those commands everytime you log in to get controller to work?
Thx for the guide, when I started playing FFXIV I was using mouse and keyboard but when I saw you videos about the controller config I switched and to be honest that's what kept me playing the game, the experience with the controller has been wonderful for me, and now that they added the support for wow I'm gonna try it, I hope it can reach the level of integration that FFXIV's UI has with the controller but you gotta start somewhere I guess.
I have to say that I had the problem you mentioned about the right trigger changing and having to rebind it again, what I think it was is that the game assumes right trigger by default as left click or right click (don't remember), I used GamePadCursorLeftClick and GamePadCursorRightClick to set them to left bumper (shoulder) and right bumper (shoulder ) and when I set GamePadEmulateCtrl to right trigger it stopped losing the config, it might work for other ppl.
Where did you get that chatpad? I thought I bought one but it has a mic plug in the middle so I can't use it with the Xbox Elite 2 controller
I'm running into an issue where the command to emulate shift just doenst work at all sometimes.
Came back to look at this a little closer to get a better feel for how to set it up, but by default if you press the "select" button (not sure what xbox has renamed the sliced cheese button) it should put you in a mode where you can move the cursor with the right joystick. I believe the right trigger acts as one of the mouse buttons but it hasn't been working consistently for me to know for sure.
Hey man ! i figured out the R2 issue, i sat like 6 hours in 1 spot yesterday just playing around with gamepad – and im happy to say i can play (almost) like XIV now!
however i am not using the /console commands (i tried it) i am using Console Port (the back movement is slow on S like default – but everything else works just fine ! R2+L2 shift+ctrl works but you need to install Wowmapper to set it.) (even setup a cross hotbar look for actions on Bartender4 – that was so time consuming as i had to then set the keys from console port aswell) u can see why it took me 6 hours considering all that lol BUT IM SO HAPPY WITH THE END RESULT – WORTH IT!
They are idiots for not doing it like FFXIV that is a superior way of doing it. 64 keys more then enough for modern wow
Hi Brian, big fan of your controller guide, help me alot in FF14 and i allways share your video when others player ask me how i set up my controller. Now the real question did you find a away that WoW controller look like a copy/paste from FF14?? I try you command but have hard time to remember and keep doing same thing i do in ff14 lol.
Will all controllers work even an amazon luna controller? I have that
You can do quick bind through the Bartender settings window aswell. /bt and Just click Keybindings in the top right corner 😉 works in the same way. Hover and click
how do i disable the controller?