WoW Shadowlands First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"

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Click the link to play Dungeon Fighter Online for free! – Shadowlands is the latest expansion from the theme park MMORPG World Of …


21 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"”

  1. Shadowlands is so good…
    As someone who has been playing wow almost non-stop since MoP has Shadowlands been really refreshing and great.
    The leveling is fun, Torghast is amazing. The covenants are interesting.
    Genuinly great, potentially on par with Legion.

  2. I don't understand most of the generic wow hate in this comment section. I know many people were really disappointed in BfA but this expansion goes huge steps in the right direction, even some of that classical roleplay feeling came back through the covenant system. I really liked this expansion so far.

  3. As this point with how on-rails questing seems and how boring it looks, they should just turn WoW into a Battle Royale for the PvP folks and Dungeon/Raid Crawler for the PvE folks and Release a movie or a show or something for the lore fans. Questing just seems like an inconvenience.

  4. Lore on these zones feel alien because it is, new shit is getting introduced to everyone. IMO, I liked it. Zone design is stellar (except for Maldraxxus), Denathrius is our good old grade-A-douchebag-turned-into-raid-boss, the Ysera throwback was fucking awesome, Torghast is wacky and fun (with all the anima upgrades), and there are still tons of room to grow. Also, itemization is at it's peak in a long time, PvP gearing is back via honor/conquest grinding, there are no bullshit expansion-related resource grinds like AP (anima exists, but it's meaningless as it's not related to character power), and no warforging/titanforging means the item you see in the journal is the final item you'll get, no luck required (other than in dropping the item).


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