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/cast [modifier:shift] Divine Storm; Templar’s Verdict
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Blessing of Protection
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Corrupted Gladiator’s Badge
/cast Saltwater Potion
/cancelaura Blessing of Freedom
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Cleanse Toxins
/use [@cursor] Final Reckoning
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Blessing of Freedom
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Word of Glory
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Rebuke; Rebuke
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen]Blessing of Sacrifice
/cast [target=Koreanpístol] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Wettynurse] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Liønheart-Sargeras] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Ffaw] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Fibbin] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Hand of Hindrance; Hand of Hindrance
Link to flyplatebuffs, scroll down until you see the comments about the 3 code line removal:
0:00 Soulbind and Covenant
3:37 Talents
7:05 PvP Talents
8:09 Burst/Rotation
10:02 Stat Priority
11:26 Legendaries
12:40 Gearing
14:09 Macros
16:24 Addons
Dude thank you so much, love the content and I was just looking for a pretty up to date ret guide…big paladin fan this xpack
I sometimes run divine purpose in bgs. Feels easier to go defensive and spam WOG heals.
And, awesome guide man!
nice man, do u mind explaining y sephuz over final for human? is it bc of the 2% secondary stats human have?
thank you for the guide!
Just got back to WOW since beginning of WoD, and I am so glad the pvp is fun now. Your paladin guides so helpful. You deserve same viewer amounts as Asmongold. Keep it up man. You are great.
AMAZING VIDEO!!! Thankyou 🙂 also Just to clarify, you can only have one legendary item equipped on your character at once? If so, you think they'll change that in the future?
Perfekt Video pls make it with feral and rouge too
Thanks a ton for the work put into this. I have a small critique: You started by saying, "This is the most important part of the ret guide…" and then said the rotations sooo fast! Some of us a just slightly noobish, so when you read them so quickly, it's harder to take in. I still got through it by pausing 😀
Does a venthry ret any hope in arenas, or is divine toll is the only way to go?
Hey my dude, is it Worth farm bgs and upgrade the set or do heroic dgs for 171 gear?
Hello! Is night fae viable in rated pvp or kyrian is the only why to go? I expect a big nerf to divine toll..
Have not played my paladin yet but this certainly makes me interested! Good guide. Currently playing disc/shadow priest instead, a lot of fun to try something new. (Although I feel bad dispelling bubbles >:D )
Ret paladin actually balanced :p
Solid guide! Thanks alot <3 Fredrik.
Is Ringing Clarity bugged? It's description says that it has 40% chance to cast divine tool 3 extra times on the same target that means it should hit 4 times the main target when it procs, but it never hits more that 3 times and also some times it only hits 2 times… so what Ringing Clarity does actually is: It gives 40% chance to do and extra divine tool and that extra divine tool has also 40% chance to cast another divine tool up to a maximum of 3 divine tool including the first one on the main target 😐
Amazing work man! Love this guide. How does retribution compare to protection right now? Are you going to make similar guide to protection pala aswell?
Seraphim and wings can be macro together
Where do you get the final verdict memory? Wowhead says Valinor world boss. I’m assuming this boss drops the same day as raid/pvp does?
hey dude a question .Can you upgrade your pieces later with soul ash ? And tell me where did u get your tmog shoulders :)Hey bro actually 3 questions xD tell me is it bad if i pick this sephuz legendary as a belf?
Go over ur bars
Divine storm legendary any good for pvp?