WoW Shadowlands – Full Ret Paladin PvP Guide – Talents, Burst, Stats, Gear, Macros, Legendary, Addon

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/cast [modifier:shift] Divine Storm; Templar’s Verdict

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Blessing of Protection

/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Corrupted Gladiator’s Badge
/cast Saltwater Potion

/cancelaura Blessing of Freedom
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Cleanse Toxins

/use [@cursor] Final Reckoning

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Blessing of Freedom

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen] Word of Glory

/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice

/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Rebuke; Rebuke

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@Lvladen]Blessing of Sacrifice

/cast [target=Koreanpístol] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Wettynurse] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Liønheart-Sargeras] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Ffaw] Blessing of Sanctuary
/cast [target=Fibbin] Blessing of Sanctuary

/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Hand of Hindrance; Hand of Hindrance

Link to flyplatebuffs, scroll down until you see the comments about the 3 code line removal:


26 thoughts on “WoW Shadowlands – Full Ret Paladin PvP Guide – Talents, Burst, Stats, Gear, Macros, Legendary, Addon”

  1. AMAZING VIDEO!!! Thankyou 🙂 also Just to clarify, you can only have one legendary item equipped on your character at once? If so, you think they'll change that in the future?

  2. Thanks a ton for the work put into this. I have a small critique: You started by saying, "This is the most important part of the ret guide…" and then said the rotations sooo fast! Some of us a just slightly noobish, so when you read them so quickly, it's harder to take in. I still got through it by pausing 😀

  3. Have not played my paladin yet but this certainly makes me interested! Good guide. Currently playing disc/shadow priest instead, a lot of fun to try something new. (Although I feel bad dispelling bubbles >:D )

  4. Is Ringing Clarity bugged? It's description says that it has 40% chance to cast divine tool 3 extra times on the same target that means it should hit 4 times the main target when it procs, but it never hits more that 3 times and also some times it only hits 2 times… so what Ringing Clarity does actually is: It gives 40% chance to do and extra divine tool and that extra divine tool has also 40% chance to cast another divine tool up to a maximum of 3 divine tool including the first one on the main target 😐


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