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WOW Shadowlands GOLD FARM 40-80k in 30 minutes – the higher pop realm you play on the more inflated the auction house will be and thus the Gold Per Hour will work out as less. If you are on a lower pop realm or medium pop you will likely make towards the higher ends of gold per hours. This is a gold farm ive been doing for years and find it insanely useful.
WOW how to make gold:
1. Go to lower Black Rock Depths
2. Be Level: 50+
3. Best classes: Rogue, Druid or Monk
4. Entrance: Searing Gorge or Blackrock Steepes.
5. Time: 3mins 30seconds per route
6. Realistic GPH: 40-80k
7. Addons: scrap, loot appraiser & tsm
8. Advice: Park Alt. Log in once a day, do 30 minutes farm each day, go about your day.
9. Route: Loot Table: arcanite reaver plans, transmogs and shadow silk
10. Exit: die fast in lava or Dream walk or Zen Pilgrimage
11. Portable Mailbox –
Social Media:
JOIN: Be a Hero –
STREAM: Youtube- Schedule: Mon and Fri – 8PM GMT (3PM EST).
00:00 – Intro
01:17 – Where the Farm is
01:52 – Suggested Addons to use
02:48 – Optimising this gold farm Advice
03:04 – Gold Farm Route
03:50 – Bannock Grimaxe RARE ELITE
04: 30 – Useful advice
05:40 – How to get out of the dungeon QUICKLY
07:00 – HOW to use the SCRAP Addon
08:20 – GOLD items we looted first run
09:45 – NEW TSHIRT how cool?
12:00 – How much we made from 30 minutes farming this gold farm.
What noobs disliked this?
hey do u think that the items from the dungeon will sell on a med realm?
u an make video 300k in 10 min…i mean, u earned 10g…wheres the rest?
u think ppl will buy? they wont…i play 15 years buddy
Lol no way you have 7 dislikes, like i don't get those who thinks its easy to get it maybe their brain thinks that 40-80k in 30 mins is the real time and don't think about selling it so wierd
Nice video
How come mines were higher level in there than yours? Do I need to be on the time walking mission to make them lower?
just wait for video where you sell these things at auction clown
Been doing this farm very successfully for 4 years guys, I posted it because I wanted to share that with you 😀 To all those upset at the thought of selling Transmogs…. DONT WORRY. 😉 This farm is mainly for SHADOW SILK, RECIPES and ARCANITE REAPER…. Transmogs are just an extra bonus. Hence why its decent gold, the title doesn't say RAW GOLD so sorry if you came for that!
Which item i need to open the chest with my DH? 🙂 Nice Video 🙂
40-80k wtf…. i might aswell play retail…. if i wanna farm gold for classic.
Hey guys, mobs don't spawn back for me :/ what did i did wrong?
I really like this Tutorial 🙂 Keep it up Erosium. Ive been running it for 3 days now and i made a good amount of gold already.
interesting points ,if anyone else is searching for how to get wow gold try Pycanta Warcraft Protocol (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend got great success with it.
summary of vid dont play on high pop realm
there is a problem. can you even sell those green items on auc? who is buying them? and for what?
What addon pops up on your screen and tell you what the item sells for?
Hello there, how many dungeons u can do per day?
just an fyi, before servers merged when I was on med pop realm, I ran this farm 250-500 times for arcanite champion plans…and you will be lucky to make 5-15k per hour selling everything, and they are all fairly slow sells especially both the plans you get from this farm. In my opinion it is not worth it at all. Keep in mind this was before t mog posting was nerfed in AH, so I definitely wouldn't worry about this farm nowadays. gl
First, thank you for your videos! very helpful. Question, and sorry if 8 million ppl have asked this before… lol Are low pop servers best for making gold, in general? Also, does it matter if it's RP or Normal?
EU Kargath, shadow silk = 35g.