WoW Shadowlands PvP || 9.1 FIRST WEEK 2100 CR push as a BM Hunter / Holy Paladin in 2v2!

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WoW 2v2 Gameplay from Week one of 9.1. I played BM Hunter with a Hpala (Olliek). I started from around 1800 CR and we pushed up to 2098 in one session and then we did the final win the next day. This is part one as otherwise the video would’ve been 40 minutes long 😀 Part two will be coming in the next day or so. This is the first time i’ve done a video like this so i hope you enjoy and let me know if there are any improvements or changes I could make to the video.

The comp is different to playing with a priest as a paladin will go OOM a lot faster so you need to play more aggressively and then defensively when the paladin needs to go for a drink. You also lack mindgames to force a dispel / a kill. However you have the double bop to get you out of stuns and also a stun which can be used on either a kill target or the healer. The paladin also brings a lot of burst damage.
This was one of the first times I’ve played with a paladin but it was fun and it felt it could be as good as with a priest against most matchups and it made some easier (such as Rogue/Mage) but then some such as warrior games felt harder and longer.

(The gameplay is from Sunday the 11th of July 2021)

0:00 intro
0:41 vs WW Rsham
2:20 vs Warr/Rdruid
9:24 vs DH/Holy Priest
10:41 vs BM Hunter/Disc priest
12:10 vs Warrior/Disc priest
16:07 vs Destro Lock/Rdruid
18:07 vs BM hunter/Holy priest


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