WOW Shadowlands worth playing now? | Is it too late to try or return to WOW?

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WOW Shadowlands worth playing now? | Is it too late to try or return to WOW?

Wow Shadowlands is coming at the end of the month and we have the event to ring it in in around a week, but with everything prepatch changed about the new and returning player experience as well as existing players interacting with old content, is it worth play? will wow be worth it in 2021 and will shadowlands be good? If shadowlands is bad, will there be a reason to be subscribed to wow?


11 thoughts on “WOW Shadowlands worth playing now? | Is it too late to try or return to WOW?”

  1. Ive been playing games for over 20 years and always avoided WOW. Im a FF14 fan and never thought I would be playing WOW until I watched Brians stream the other day. Im level 14 in WOW and little by little Im getting more interested in the game and even having fun. The graphics are not as bad as I thought and just discovered you can install addons to improve the enjoyment of the game. Im most likely going to pay the monthly fee to continue playing

  2. After playing WoW for a decade straight, I can definitely see myself going back at some point. In fact, I reactivated my account and did some leveling in October leading up to the original launch date. But I don't see the possibility of going all in again but only dropping by now and then. And definitely not right now – the systems that Shadowlands is putting in really doesn't interest me. Hopefully that will change at some point.

  3. I've been playing wow since Burning Crusade. The last six months is the only time I've been unsubbed. Because BFA was trash. I will resub when Shadowlands comes out. But just hearing them talk about all the 'fill the bucket' type things they have in store makes me worried. I want to say there are at least four different things to gather or bars to fill and that's just in 9.0! Who knows what they'll add in the subsequent patches. When they were talking about all these I thought to myself "Holy crap every class in WoW is essentially a gathering class!" 😆

  4. BFA patch 8.3… had one big grind just so you could then enter the OTHER big grind. It was grind-seption! 😱. To me it said blizzard new this was going to be a 10-month grind waiting for the next expansion that's why they knew they had to make it very grindy. Now player outrage made them change it quite a bit from their initial offering but it was still a big grind.

  5. The fundamental game of WoW is very good. Blizzard's problem is they like to throw in multiple borrowed power systems, that are essentially unbalancable. And in BFA they had many layers of RNG too. Thankfully in Shadowlands the RNG has been greatly reduced but there are still layers of borrowed power which I doubt will be balancable. The only conceivable way I see to balance dozens of powers is to make them all pointlessly weak. Thus making all that hard work a complete waste of time which could have been better spent on other features.


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