WoW: The War Within First Impressions “Is It Worth Playing?”

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The War Within is the 10th Major expansion for World Of Warcraft and with it brings the usual level cap increase from 70-80, new dungeons, new raids, new zones and stories, all the standard expansion stuff as well as new so called “evergreen features” in the form of Delves which are essentially solo or small scale dungeons with an NPC companion, Warbands which basically allow your alts to share gear, banks access and achievements, Hero talents which give a little bit of extra flavor to your class, the Earthen as a new playable race and Sky Riding which is basically an extension of the previous expansion’s Dragonriding system.
In this video I’ll give you my first impressions of the new expansion after going in blind, not really playing the beta tests or keeping up to date with the latest updates.

What do you think about WoW The War Within expansion so far? do you like the new delve content? how about the warbands feature? how about the early access launch? let me know in the comments below!
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World Of Warcraft The War Within Website Description

In this opening chapter of The Worldsoul Saga™
Defend Azeroth from the Shadows Below
Journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, down to the dark depths of the nerubian empire, where the malicious Harbinger of the Void is gathering arachnid forces to bring Azeroth to its knees.

World Of Warcraft, WoW, The War Within, Expansion, New Update, Delves, Warbands, Khaz’Algar, New Zones, Earthen Race, WoW Classes, Dungeons, Raids, World Of Warcraft In 2024, First Impressions, Is It Worth Playing, TheLazyPeon, WoW War Within, war within tier list, war within, wow delves, wow tier list, wow war within.

WoW: The War Within First Impressions “Is It Worth Playing?”


33 thoughts on “WoW: The War Within First Impressions “Is It Worth Playing?””

  1. Im waiting till its on sale….and banned addons is 50/50 for me. The MUST have to be competitive in bgs/arena/raids gone would be ok cause were all on even ground then but the addons that make the game prettier or the UI cleaner is okay to stay around cause addon makers do a better job than blizz devs to make the game more user friendly.

  2. This feels like one of the weakest "is it worth playing" videos you've done in a long time. Don't know if it's because you have other things going on or if you were just told to do a WoW video and you kind of just said "fuck it, I'll get paid for it so sure".

    -The warband system is account wide. Not just the four characters you put at the top.

    -You critique a story and say it's bad that you continue to just skip over dialogue when you're usually all about immersion. You seem to have done nothing but skip dialogue, so you don't know what the story is.

    – You want to complain about not seeing anyone when in other videos for other games you'll either already have some basic understanding on why that is or you'll at the very least look things up to understand what's going on. You did none of that here. All you did was guess. Phasing has been a big thing at the start of an expansion for what? 5 years now? Phasing exists so that you don't get thrown in with 100+ other players to fight over the same NPC to kill or try to talk to.

    – Delves aren't specifically solo. They can be done either with a few buddies or solo.

    – Goes to the least populated area in a city and complains that there aren't people.

    – Goes outside of the PvP vendors without warmode on and complains that there aren't people.

    – One of the first things you do is spoil Dalaran and what happens in the area without any warning of spoilers. Kind of a shit move dude.

    Stick to games where you can at least fake the enthusiasm and don't go in as an already burnt out veteran player. Because this one isn't it. If you can take your time to edit a video and put in an ad you can take the 10 minutes it takes to correct yourself on all the misinformation and guess-work you did.

  3. This does not even feel like an expansion rather just a patch, really lazy from Blizz, recycled mechanics from DF, Delves suck, and the dungeons, man are they bad. Its the 1st time since Wrath that i have not enjoyed spamming dungeons, i just login, try a dungeon, get bored, log off. Give it a couple weeks and the PR money will run out from the streamers and bots who have to comment in actual non bias videos like this one and lots more people will say this has to be one of the worst and most lazy, money grabbing expansions to date. I had more fun in WoD, and thats saying something.

  4. You really should have done your homework. That would've saved you for a lot of bad guessing. Saying a story is bad when you skip everything, well… I know from other videos that you don't enjoy stories and cut scenes but, in that case, you're not in a position of making fair judgement. I usually like your videos and take your opinion into account, but from now on I'll take all of them with a grain of salt.

  5. Are they just bringing this game back? Or was it even still active for a while? I’m asking bc I played the absolute heck out of this game as a young kid played until teenage years. It’s been atleast 12 yrs maybe

  6. L video. You came in expecting to not like things, seems like. You are simply wrong about a lot of it and very obviously skipped shit and read nothing. "Just ban all addons because I don't like using them" Christ. "safe standard expansion" Christ. Stick to other games dude, you obviously do not care about WoW anymore, and that's fine. Don't force yourself to play shit you don't like. But also don't talk about things you are horribly uninformed about while giving yourself a half-assed experience with the game.

    And again, wanting them to ban all addons because you don't like using them is WILD. Just don't use them. Wanting to shit on other people's parades because you don't want to engage with an OPT-IN OPTION is insanity. Especially when you obviously don't want to bother with this game anymore.

    TWW is worth playing for anyone who likes, or used to like, WoW. It's easily right up there with wrath and legion in terms of quality and is very much a "The King has returned" situation.

  7. Thank god im not the only one who found this expansion bad. The campaign questing is really boring, the whole vibe, location and artstyle is boring and we have seen it before many times. the woke transgender one arm characters and dwarf woman with beards ? ok… and me coming from classic i was overwhelmed with everything and now im bored and want a refund.

  8. Really bad look. You did not research. Warband info is wrong, you didn't experience the story, delves are not solo, and wrong expansion count. It's hard to take you seriously when you don't take the content and video seriously.

  9. Is this worth watching? Umm naa( I guess)..🥴
    Am I the only one thinking the nearly complete opposite of the takes here?
    Coming from a dude that prefer Vanilla the most.
    Jokes a side. You can do much better! The expansion story is even better then your takes..sorry man! Not feeling it in this one🥱

  10. >level 75 in the first zone
    >beat the campaign before hitting max level
    >went from oneshotting enemies to twoshotting enemies
    >"campaign is a massive slog"

    I understand you might not be a fun of the expansion or wow but how can you be so wrong? It's one of the fastest campaign ever, leveling has never been easier.
    How can you honestly say they are trying to sell you the boosts when you can level in 6 hours a new earthen from 10 to 80 by just FLYING around the world.

  11. This is what they should do: Get rid of annoying girl-boss characters and weak characters like Anduin. Bring back the heroic fantasy ambiance of Classic. Kull 99% of the cute fluffy things (they are only cool as comic relief – we are not playing Animal Crossing…). Technically, the game should now far more closely resemble the concept art. Get back to a Norse mythology or Tolkienesque influenced world. Bring the game back to its relatable heroic fantasy roots. Remove flying. The world is so much less engaging when you can fly from quest to quest. Make leveling take longer. Make the quests more engaging with dynamic events that change objectives etc. Stop the hand-holding. Remove quest indicators. Disallow all addons. Remove the WoW Token! This has destroyed the in-game economy and much of the desire to grind or level professions. Understand that the story is rarely interesting and being talked to endlessly by an NPC is annoying and unenjoyable. Take inspiration from Elden Ring. Interacting with a few key characters can advance the storyline enough to interest players who will then build communities to explore and understand the intricacies which can be deduced from artifacts, weapons inscriptions etc. Overall, I think the game design needs a foundational overhaul. I hope that one day they will have the courage to do this.


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