WoW Top 10 BEGINNER Tips & Tricks for World of Warcraft in 2021

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This video will give you my top 10 beginner tips for getting started in World of Warcraft!

– If you want to learn more past these tips, feel free to check out my complete beginner guide:
– PvP Race Tier List:
– Keybinding Guide:

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● Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
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SEO: WoW Beginners Guide 2021, wow top 10 beginner tips
#WoW #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands


35 thoughts on “WoW Top 10 BEGINNER Tips & Tricks for World of Warcraft in 2021”

  1. If i want to play the Story and Quest of BC, i talk to Chromie and go to that Version, then i want to play WotLK.
    Can i still change the Real and keep my Level or do i have to start from 1 ?

  2. I have a couple maxed characters in wow. Im deff a casual with work n all.i just to know do people make new characters for every expansion or does everyone use there main? I want to experience it the best way

  3. My friend and me try to play but he can't choose if he would spawn on guide map or normal and i think he have to make a few levels but how much levels he have to make bc he is now 6 and still can't choose

  4. Why are you talking about raiding and mythic dungeons in a video specifically for beginner players? why would you assume they even want to do that? Let them try the game first before they get into that shit XD

  5. I started playing last week for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. I've played other mmorpg titles like fiesta, tera, bless unleashed etc but WoW seems to be really good so far👍🏻 I haven't got a subscription yet but I'm leaning towards getting it.

  6. @Dottz Gaming Thx for the great video. Question: I am a returning player. But my chars are all at 35. So i will do BfA as well but probably be done way early. Should i still play the whole thing to understand whats going on or is it ok to switch to Shadowlands at 48/50?

  7. hank you, super useful! I'm in my first couple days of turning 60 after not playing since Cata and you've cleared up a lot of things I was confused about. Although, I timed it badly as 9.1 has just dropped and all guides / YouTubers are currently talking about what to do now. With my item level being only 1(

  8. beginner tips warcriminalcraft top 10 racist game is lie propaganda to force players to kill nations.
    What is nation?
    Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
    False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
    Nationalist kleptocracy created fa, refuse value of life and human rights.
    Reward for worsening is kleptocracy support, steal reward system.
    Support nationalist kleptocracy, participate in war crime.
    Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
    They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
    Not can distinguish between race and nation.

    Many program errors.
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    Big cost in money and time.
    Sacred satan religion war godless church.
    Killing for religion of peace, priest ten commandments.
    False race definition, false nation definition, make players to kill nations, made fa.
    Overpopulation family values.
    Booze narcologist barmen alcohol chemical addiction for children.

  9. best thing you can do is have good keybinds that all there is
    good that you mentioned mouse turning! ive got a friend keyboard turning with q and e strafe and all spells on the razor naga and that personally sucks dick ass


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