WoW – Vengeance Demon Hunter Build PVE – Shadowlands 9.1.5

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Vengeance Demon Hunter Build – Mythic Plus PVE build


3 thoughts on “WoW – Vengeance Demon Hunter Build PVE – Shadowlands 9.1.5”

  1. 😛 ty
    Iv managed to get 33% haste (at night) so I have swapped from fel blade to agonizing flames
    Oh I do wanna mention theres a gem that gives 5% move speed and another that give 3% along with the shadowlands one that gives you some for ever gem you have from shadowlands
    Right now as a night elf iv got perma 15% move speed
    I might have a look at anima sphere but myself I take the slow conduit on the last row (good for separating mobs on sanguine weeks

  2. The 90 second cooldown on Annhylde's is amazing to weave in before native cooldowns then by the time they fall off your on use internal trinket cooldown should be almost gone. If you are still in trouble your scale will be available. By the time that internal CD from your scale wears off you will have around 40- 1 min left on Annhylde's. This thing is carrying me in 20 keys and it's only from normal raid! (Hoping heroic drops soon!)


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