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Following this WoW weekly mount farm, you will receive some of the coolest mounts you can get on a weekly lookout. You will be able to farm all of these mounts each week on each character. Some of these might take you long you should statistically be able to get these under 70 runs. I am currently farming these mounts myself and I usually take some time each week for this farm. Comment down below if I missed any mounts and Iβll add it next video π
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Hey lads, I forgot to give my twitch channel a shoutout in the video, so make sure to check it out π Also, more info on the mounts.
Ashes Of Al'ar :
0:29 On Any Difficulty
Flametalon of Alysrazor & Pureblood Fire Hawk :
1:17 On Any Difficulty
Onyxian Drake:
2:41 On Any Difficulty
Mimiron's Head:
3:18 on 25 with NO KEEPERS
3:57 on Heroic 25
Drake of the South Wind:
4:40 on Any Difficulty
Experiment 12-B & Blazing Drake:
5:10 On Normal Difficulty (Run 1 Instance on Heroic)
Life-Binder's Handmaiden:
5:10 On Heroic Difficulty (Run 1 Instance on Heroic)
Astral Cloud Serpent:
6:33 On Any Difficulty
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent:
7:27 World Boss
Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent:
8:15 World Boss
Spawn of Horridon & Clutch of Ji-Kun:
8:47 On Any Difficulty
Felsteel Annihilator:
10:02 On Mythic Difficulty
Ironhoof Destroyer:
10:57 On Mythic Difficulty
Fiery Warhorse:
11:40 On Any Difficulty
Felblaze Infernal:
12:20 On Normal Difficulty (Rune 1 Instance on Mythic)
HellFire Infernal:
12:20 On Mythic Difficulty (Run1 instance on Mythic)
Very good mount farming guide. It is very friendly to beginners, such as myself
I got too excited man when your video is uploaded… Now it all went pofff… Because of you i started playing albion online in my mobile.. since i dont have a pc or lape. Waiting for your next albion video, Alesh. FYI your f2p series is π₯π₯
Is it a free to play game
want some more videos and start playing new free to play to premium albion online serease plz and love ur videoππ
Forgotten Channel – CodeLyon
why do you get only 23 likes why
coding channel discord bot ples…………………
any updates on codelyon channel? i know its probably annoying being constantly asked but i just want to know if you are still working on it or if you have given up.
plz make a updated vid for music discord bot
Hey Alesh, i just came here to see why you left the discord tut series unfinished on your other channel and I found that many others have the same concern. Would it be possible for you to complete that series.
Did you stop uploading on codelyon?
30 attempts is unlucky for a 2% drop chance? bruh?
Ty man good job
How do you beat a raid by yourself? I'm very new and don't understand how that is possible.
I'm still waiting to get the mount from Skald but with everyone and their mother also camping the place forget it…lol