WoW's NEW 'Principal Designer'?! Shadowlands TOPS RECORDS, Big Beta Updates & MORE!

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50 thoughts on “WoW's NEW 'Principal Designer'?! Shadowlands TOPS RECORDS, Big Beta Updates & MORE!”

  1. I feel like if they made Arthas go good, they couldnt just make him all heroic again. If he does end up on our side, I imagine he will be angry with the jailer but still hold himself personally responsible for what he did despite being dominated. Im hoping he does something along the lines of feeling guilty about everything, and after some kind of event with Bolvar will feel even worse when he thinks about Bolvars sacrifice, then going on to make his own. Perhaps he stays behind in the Maw or something after we kill the Jailer to keep the rest of the damned from escaping or something like that. Taking up a role of Warden kind of like how redeemed Illidan now watches Sargeras.

  2. 1) can we do away with these overly complicated layered systems and just make classes great again? 2) Use the current talent tree AND the classic talent tree 3) fix pvp gearing, like add a stat 4) thank goodness they finally got rid of multiboxing. Bye bye isbox

  3. Multiboxing with like 10 druids in flightform flying around herbing is still viable. You can still herb the same node with multiple characters which means that you can still just put 9 of the druids to follow the one you are playing and just alt+tab to get 10 times as many herbs as someone playing only one character.

  4. I had fun doing leveling and questing with multiboxing, i did NOT farm ressources or anything that concerned other players. I have canceled the subscription of my other accounts, i hope other Multiboxers will do the same.This was the baddest way they can choose to get rid of the black sheeps. It´s like banning weapons, Criminals Do not care about laws. and i still have lags in some areas because of Gold farmers, WHERE are the GMs taking care of those A-holes? WHERE?

  5. Hey bellular, you don't think that blizzard will announce TBC classic at Blizzconline? I assume the only reason they are launching Naxx so close to the release of Shadowlands is because they want at least a 2 month buffer till they announce TBC classic.

  6. the cinematics also sucked….. It made no sense when saurfang all sudden says they came to outland to kill of thrall… Then he dies like a wimp just to further sylvana's powers. It was panful to watch at best.

  7. They can make all the changes they want now, wont change my opinion on the game they killed it for me during bfa and seeing their big systems for shadowlands, Nothing at this point will bring me back.

  8. Play Warcraft 3. The minute he took up Frostmourne it took his soul. Kel'Thuzad tells him that. I also don't like Golden's attempts to write Ner'zhul out though I love her books. Ner'zhul and Arthas both have some payback to give and I want to see them give it. I also don't think Arthas will be featured in this expansion. He will be in the next one/WC4/WoW2 or some combination of those. My GF and I predicted them trying to "soft reboot" the universe. With the new story trailer the whole "control our own fate" bit kind of confirmed our theory. Sylvanas and the Jailer will win to some extent. I think they have different objectives or motives for themselves however. Like they told us already she is not his patsy. Their aims align to meet their separate ends so to speak. This "soft reboot" may not leave us with a time rewind in that sense but it could coincide with the void/light flip. All these things line up for massive population numbers and a new RTS game which would THEN KICK OFF either more expansions or a new engine for WoW (WoW 2 type thing). Before the shitlords who are like "cool story bruh never happen" I talked people like that down about Diablo 3 before it was announced back in Diablo 2 and same for SC2 in the SC1 bnet channels. Granted D3 was poop but yeah. It's not like it would be a bad thing, not sure why people get so mad when you suggest WC4 could be a thing. It's like it effects their personal life somehow?

  9. WoW needs to ditch the cartoon look and go dark and adult. It is a game where you either kill or assist those killing things that are trying to kill you, and acquiring things that make it easier for you to kill. If 'cartoon' is kept in consideration of young players…they are missing the psychographic of that market…young players are attracted to things they think 'adults' do…make the game look 'adult', satisfy all markets.

  10. The 'Arthas' Book was one of the worst. It just tells you the WC3 campaign. I was so disapointed, that I never read a WoW Book again until Garrosh Trial Book (forgot the name). And I find all books from Christie Golden are inferior to Richard Knaak.
    I read Stormrage (which was released after Arhtas) after the Garrosh book and it was soooo much better than Arthas.

  11. So, 1.9 billion dollars FOR A QUARTER! That means between 6 and 8 billion dollars of revenue for the whole year. I wonder how much tax will Activision-Blizzard pay for that. I'm kinda thinking 0.

  12. World drops!!! I remember in original WoW I was running my warrior through Tanaris and ran by some random scorpion. For some reason I decided to stop, run back and just kill it for XP. It dropped a Staff of Jordon. I was so excited.


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