WoW's Second Chance With Microsoft & Xbox – Is it REALLY a New Dawn?

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Patch 9.2 looks just about ready to go with changes to Double Legendary reputation requirements, Cosmic Flux, Tier set tuning, datamined cinematics and new Mythic+ affix Encrypted. But there’s even bigger news than Eternity’s End or even the new expansion 10.0. Microsoft have bought out Activisiojn Blizzard, Bobby Kotick’s days are numbered and the future is bright… and uncertain. Taliesin and Evitel discuss all this and more on the Weekly Reset.

► Wowhead Articles

“Bobby Kotick Will Leave” :

Blizzard Developers on Designing Tier Sets for Patch 9.2 – Goals, Power, Acquisition:

New BoA Gear Tokens in Zereth Mortis – Buy Item Level 226 Gear for Anima:

Four Encrypted Cinematics Coming in Patch 9.2 Eternity’s End:

Mike Ybarra’s Statement on Improving Culture at Blizzard Entertainment:

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36 thoughts on “WoW's Second Chance With Microsoft & Xbox – Is it REALLY a New Dawn?”

  1. “Pelagos becoming the Archon” well that cinematic isn’t happening yet Tali, he’s taking over for the Arbiter first, then collecting the sigils and becoming the head of every covenant.

  2. A small off-topic note. I remember (might not be true, do correct me if so) seeing a clip of Evitel playing the violin 🎻. Would be nice if that could return somehow maybe playing some Warcraft themes. Just a little idea.

  3. GG to the gaming industry. 0 competition if it's owned by 1 company. Quality of new games has only gone down and will continue to go down. Fuck monopolies. This will be very bad for the long term of the industry. Activision-Blizzard sucked, but now we're feeding a company has already been fed way more than Activision Blizzard could have ever hope to eat.

  4. to my knowledge ESO has had it's shitty store long before the Microsoft acquisition, it wasn't because of MS that they added those things, so if anything this just suggest that WoW's store will remain as it is now.

  5. Stopped playing a year ago and description of unending “systems” – whether revised or improved- is so off putting. This is why WoW isn’t fun anymore and will continue to struggle to attract new players

  6. Sorry man, but I've stopped watching your video at 5:40 minute . Just way too much of shit talking. I don't like B.K. but don't like that much of a shit talking either. See you on your next video.

  7. I’m sorry to remind everyone that Blizzard doesn’t take notice to any criticism from its well invested and involved players.
    They’ll continue to believe that the direction wow is headed is will drawn in the masses when clearly the polls have dropped.
    I apologize even though It’s not my fault that our favorite game is failing due to terrible leadership.
    (Do you agree?)👍

  8. We, as a community, voted for a caterpillar or a flying book (even though a stupid tree won, fight me!), and they give us THAT as a Mythic mount. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined!

  9. I still think it's a bad idea to time gate the double legendary. As a mythic raider, it's going to feel so bad to have the raid tuned around 1 leggo and then get trivialized as soon as double leggos are available because it's such a huge power spike for most classes. Bad bad design.

  10. Taliesin you need to let Evitel talk m8, you cut her off nearly every time she speaks & its just not a nice thing to do.
    Im sure you guys are fine atm, but if its a habit & you keep doing it day after day month after month year after year.. it will become an issue and before that happens mabye be aware of it & try to value your partners input more & make her feel that you do aswell.

    Great content and informative exciting stuff, Just thought id point it out since it happened alot at the end of the clip & was hard not to notice.

  11. This is what will happen. All the WOW employees will get a "Welcome to MS" notifications. They'll be welcomed with open arms. Meanwhile MS upper management will begin to conduct "cost of employee" reports. Then they'll restructure. They'll offer the employees they like a position at a reduced salary. Those who remain will train the new employees. Once they are all trained the end of the contract will soon come up. They'll be offered yet another pay reduction as their team of 10 is now 1. That 1 person remaining's contract will end and they'll offer them even less money, to the point all the original team members are gone and there's 1 person working for 3 times less than they are right now. This goes in 12 to 18 month cycles as MS. So, within 3 years everyone who works for Blizzard now, will be gone except for the unlucky 1% who decided to take the lower salary and agreed to be laid off every 12 to 18 months and live off of government assistance at least once every 2 years.


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