Horus Invades The Emperor's Mind

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The Emperor Has A Gift For A Primarch

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Additional Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio – released under CC-BY 4.0.

Horus Invades The Emperor’s Mind


43 thoughts on “Horus Invades The Emperor's Mind”

  1. What a lot of Warhammer fans and people getting into Warhammer don't understand is if the emperor stopped holding back during the Horus heresy things would have ended so much more differently, several sons would have been put down before becoming anything what they are today and so many others would still be alive

  2. As I reflect on it, the whole 30k period and the downfall of humanity can be summarized in one sentence: “Everything wrong in the world happened all at once.” We humans have to fucc up not just once, but twice for the story to progress.

  3. You know something still confuses me…if the emperor is an immortal person (I forgot their name in lore) and has intervened multiple times across human history (he was gods, legendary hero’s and hell even one of them he WAS Saint George) then…why wasn’t the warp a thing? I mean hell the warp was a thing AFTER humanity fell in the dark age of technology and it has been stated that the warp WASN’T a thing before then. So…what happened? The emperor happened…but then why would that open up the warp? Someone who knows more lore than me please help! Or correct me!

  4. In my own head canon the modern emperor doesn’t actually see his sons as tools, like he called Guiliman, but rhat he sees them as his children but was so emotionally damaged by Horus, his favorite son’s, betrayal that he became the cold monster on the throne to protect his psyche from further heartache.


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