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Last time we saw Xal’atath in the main timeline was in BFA, what does she want to take from us?
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Xal’atath has appeared once again in season of discovery only a few weeks back this time she is doing us a favor that she hopes we will soon be able to repay. Seeing that this is Xal’atath in void elf form it is almost certainly her travelling back in time from our timeline and season of discovery is wrapping up right when War Within is about to release which means she is literally doing sidequests while waiting for War Within just like us.

Remember Xal’atath was never actually in our timeline, last time we saw her was in BFA, the one glimpse we got in 10.1.5 was in a time travel scenario so she was even at that point in the midsts of time travel. Seieng that Ahn’Qiraj is likely going to wrap up season of discovery, why is she going back to pre-sword of Sargeras Silithus when C’Thun was active and what exactly is she planning to acquire that will lead to War Within in the first ever wow cross over event?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


21 thoughts on “Xal'atath Just APPEARED AGAIN! She's HUNTING C'THUN?!”

  1. Let me guess: she is gathering old god essences from Azeroth's history. She will use that giant light shard to help create a void portal to summon the Void Lords to Azeroth.

  2. Found photo/footage is an interesting idea of where SoD might end up and what may be getting hinted at. Found footage and found photos, as terms, lack knowledge of their origins. i.e. family album but no one knows who the family is, or for a pop culture reference, the Blair Witch Project where no one knows where the subjects of the footage are any more.

    So while it was used as a way to explain that the SoD events are canon and "happened" when our retail characters existed from 2004-2007, they didn't happen to our retail characters, but more importantly, the characters these events do happen to are nowhere to be found.

    To phrase another way, the characters we are playing on SoD are not our retail characters. Our retail characters will have no clue about the "Mysterious Figure" that is in SoD or any of the events relating to her.

    Basically, I think SoD characters will canonically leave Azeroth at the end of SoD's story. This bargain will either cost them their lives or their free will. Either way, the reason why none of their knowledge is available to our characters or any lore characters is because they are not around to share it.

    Imagine a phase in the eventual boss fight with Xal'atath in The War Within or midnight where she summons one of your Season of Discovery characters to fight you. Their name, their gear, and potentially their abilities, all the same. Obviously for players without max level SoD characters would unfortunately have generic autogenerated characters to fight against, but imagine facing off against a Healer Mage or Tank Rogue. It would be a really cool way to wrap up those new elements in SoD.

  3. My Theory on why Xal'atath is hunting The Old God's essences is that they are dead on the surface.

    Physically The Old Gods are dead, but their spirits and their real bodies may still alive underground which is why The War Within will take place underground because we may have to deal with the Old Gods in their real forms. With the exception of Y'Shaarj, who is 100% dead, but Xal'atath may have traveled back in time during the War of the Titans and the Old Gods to collect Y'Shaarj's essence, or may have traveled possibly during the early days of Pandaria to collect Y'Shaarj's essence through his heart before it was found by Highkeeper Ra. But why? Well my theory is that Xal'atath it is the Fifth Old God that was consumed by her siblings before she was allowed to gain any power. And the reason she was never mentioned in Chronicle is due to the fact that when the Titans arrived, Xal'atath was already being consumed by her brothers without leaving a trace of her. So, Xal'atath's plan is to pick apart her essence from the blood of her siblings to recreate her "true" body, or to create a new body one no bound to the ground.

    Anyway That's My Theory.

  4. I see Blizz doing some type of cross over with SoD, Retail, and Cataclysm classic. Where Xalatath. Does something with C'thun in Sod, something with Deathwing in Cataclysm, then they link up to retail.

    That would crossover all the universes which would be awesome.

  5. What if she went back in time to Sargeras sword before the moment we destroyed the red stuff in the eyeholder of the sword? Maybe taking some essence from Sargeras or some power of that sword 🤔

  6. I think by the time we finish the 3rd installment of War Within, we will go back in time, teach an army and stop the sundering/undead and this will be the start of Unreal Engine WoW where we can rock around the world with Athas and go back to warring with da horde. The graphics would be sick. Big modern day reset switch – start from scratch.

  7. i know for a fact that in sod when we face off against c'thun right before c'thun is killed, xalatath will up and suck up his cthuns essence into the artifact, as we will be weakened. 100% will line up with 11.1 patch drop.

  8. i think you are thinking about her form wrong. was she a projecting herself as a void elf or was she just a void being projecting herself as an elf? Food for though. Its like a bronze dragon projecting itself as a gnome or elf. still a dragon in elf or gnome form with hints of its dragonlike nature.

  9. "She was in the midst of time travel."
    'Oh, OK. Cool. I hadn't really considered that."
    five minutes pass
    "She was in the midst of time travel."
    "…uh, yeah? You just told me that."

  10. she could literally be the same thing as teron gorefiend, hes a DK before DKs she could just have possed a normal high elf or blood elf and because shes a void user her power made her look like what we know as void elfs


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