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Was Not AQ40 Nerubiian city back in the day of WoW 1.0??
Remember the Klaxxi from Pandaria? Wonder if they are related to the Narubians.
Curse vs Gift of flesh? So you want free will in a world of horrific monsters that look like they smell like shit instead of just being in a sexy ordered society because someone is fully in charge? I know Blizz seems to be pivoting towards or have always been planning to make Titans the baddies. But isn't it just an argument of I don't like who is in charge so I sit in a pile of shit with these bugs as long as it's not the people who were originally in charge? art imitates life i hear.
I believe they said scent/pheremones will mask us from the nerubians
I think Xal'atath is the ancient one. She constantly asks for blood. I thin the olds or maybe the titan weakened her and put her in the blade. Maybe she was created to fight the against the Titans.
Ash kahet or mezoboranzan 😀
Is it Xal-a-tath or xal-a-tash?
Didn't the new Dragon bad guy get Galakrond's blood FOR Xalatesh?
Gift of flesh…. Sam has been fully corrupted by the void !
I love your content…but I cant get over Xal'atASH! lmao
If im not mistaken, youll find some type of Nerubian beings in the Maldraxxus zone (northern part if im not mistaken)
Tell me where and when it is said that titan-forged are without free will. Precisely.
Otherwise your talk about "Gift of flesh" is wrong.
Was the house of eyes in SL whipped out BECAUSE they were immune to domination magic and would be able to point out the full plan?