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41 thoughts on “YAMATO'S ARENA PUNISHMENT..”

  1. This was miserable, completely bypassed what this was supposed to be by layering, i dont even care about the 20 man protection squad but he shouldnt have been allowed to stealth because sard cant and yam wouldve bitched forever if sard pulled this stunt off

  2. Cringe af content, Soda. You should be ashamed. What the ** was this? Guy gets punished but gets a raid protecting him? Are you kidding me? I am done watching your content for a good while, sh*t head.

  3. Some onlyfangs members are so cringe, yes dude he’s probably not going to survive. It’s his PUNISHMENT. He’s letting him get contract for his punishment that’s seems fair enough. Just as cringe as summit hating a guy for participating in something he was supposed to participate in for PUNISHMENT. Summits like how is the fair. It’s his punishment bro are yall stupid? His punishment is death. wtf is the issue lmao wtf honestly.

  4. "You can do anything in your power to save him but you cannot be in a group with him and he has to be in the arena for 7 minutes. That is it." They abused the layering system just like almost every member of onlyfangs does everyday. Was so funny hearing them cry afterwards.

  5. This was some of the lamest shit I have ever seen in my life. You guys were all so hard up to see who would throat him hardest that it completely demolished any drama or interest whatsoever. "content guild"…lol…

  6. Horrible punishment due to layering. Bad call. If they are going to face the arena that means the FULL force of the arena. Including fucking lag and the whole server. You should ANNOUCE what layer it will be on instead of scrambling layers to protect him for "lag". Personal opinion that's dog water.

  7. this guild is cringe now I thought yamato was getting punished but all it lead to was you guys sacrificing members for him after he cried after losing is duel that HE wanted to be duel to death cause he thought he was the shit…. LMAO couldnt even TRY to defend himself in the arena what a disgrace you guys have fell off so hard


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