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Asmongold and Mcconnell react to Bellular’s full breakdown of Shadowlands biggest new feature, the covenants! Bellular explains how to join and leave one, the renown and the anima system, how to upgrade your sanctum and finally all the different rewards you will be able to get in the best and fastest way possible to not waste time!…
After the release of Shadowlands you must choose your covenant between: the Kyrian Covenant, the Necrolord Covenant, the Night Fae Covenant and the Venthyr Covenant. Covenants are one of the most important features of the new WoW expansion along with its soulbinds and conduits system.
Original Video
(Shadowlands Covenant GUIDE! Renown, Upgrades, Rewards – ALL You Need To Know & Do!):
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Intro 0:00
How To Join & Leave A Covenant 3:39
Renown Progression System 6:20
Upgrading Your Covenant 16:07
Covenant REWARDS 24:33
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Just have atleast 4 max characters and put each one in a different covenant. That's what I'm planning.
Do you lose renown when you change covenants?
16 weeks is 4 months now 8 lmao
Watched this on 1.5 speed and now I have anxiety.
1 and a half you mcMathdunce.
Nah man joining a covenant should be like choosing a race or faction. I don't wanna see some dude hoping around covenants like "oh now I like these guys, now I like you guys. Wait will you guys take be back? Nice, wait now I wanna be a furry fuck you guys."
Like If that's the case just get rid of the abilities all together and make it only cosmetics. Make up your mind and pick what you LIKE not what's op in the next patch
mconnel can't count for shit 16 week is 4 months not 8 dumbass
For the record, I don't play wow, now, I think they added all those achievements just to fuck with that fellow who HAS all the achievements unlocked(rip his sanity)
But when you can freely swap covenant, you'll want to switch per progress boss to the covenant that best fits the fight. The meta will become even crazier haha
I can understand being upset at Covenant because they're tied to power and subject to balacing issues, i can understand being mad at the conduit system. But being mad because you've got even more content to do as a mount/pet and transmog farmer? Crying because Renown isn't account-wide is the most idiotic thing i've heard people complain in this exapansion so far. Get alts, you've got plenty of time. Especialy when a catchup system does exists.
Also, who's """tired""" of emmissaries? You mean the 5 guys farming them for mounts? Good thing Callings have pretty much nothing to do with Emmissaries.
Anyone else find asmongolds twitching the most entertaining thing about the video
yeah ofc it's years of content when there's a cap on everything lmfao
So glad i didnt buy shadowlands, or i did but refunded before it went live.
I've played since 2006, and tbh their just ruining the game. WoW does not feel like WoW anymore at all. It feels like a mixed mobile game with different puzzles we have to solve with some raids included and mythic +
Nobody fucking cares about covenants… Decision will be 100% on the armor set.
in what universe is 16 weeks 8 months????
Why do they REALLY want to swap covenants whenever they want? Blizzard is doing a good thing with that imo. It means your character has more identity. It makes the world feel more real since they don't really trust you after you left them. And most of all: someone who actually has all the achievements, mounts and transmogs will be someone with REAL status. None of them dumb RNG I got lucky with mount and item drops shit. When you see someone who has all of it, you'll know that he did some grade-A no-lifing. A true hero.
Let's also not forget that you don't NEED to complete all the content in the game. RPGs are meant to be things that keep you playing for a long ass time, to immerse you and have you discover new things. By making so much content, your character is more likely to follow a unique path through it, and your experience is going to be different from others'.
Current game sucks, ever since WOD they keep doing all these systems and lack on good quality content.
16 weeks 8 months… great math McConnell great math dude.
I hate spending time in my covenant zone after having to pick night fae it really reduces my enjoyment! On my warlock to have to go to night fae. I hate that all the faries sound like kids and the whole vibe of the zone isnt me but I need it for the mobility and the drain life ability as well as the soul binds further down the road. I hope they make it when you reach 40 renown in one zone you can go to another because I'm already sick of night fae but at least I would know I'm working myself towards a zone that I want to spend time in (assuming I can keep my abilities & soulbinds). They could of 100'% of made the night fae a little more like the other zones and make it more badass but instead it just feels like it's for 10-year-olds so disappointing as I enjoyed everything else in the expansion so far greatly. But instead, I've got like hours of questing and content within the night fae zone :/
Asmongold moves his eyebrows in tandem with Bellulars head
this game doesn't feel like WOW anymore. this feeling when you first came to outland or northrend, this big dangerous world, it is just gone. instead we teleport from platform to platform and kill mobs like in diablo on maps, that don't look or feel like WOW at all. i gave ion and his team this last chance and they fucked up 100%. instead of creating a world that feels like WOW they only think about what systems they can bring to the game next.
i logged into classic yesterday and there it was immediately. this feeling of an awesome, big open world, that got me attached to this game. bye bye shadowlands, hello classic.
watch this…… they patch in flying….. unlocked at covenant lvl 80 with all 4 covenants so you need to have grinded it out on multiple alts. i say 80 because they havent let us just get flying in years we have to earn it so if we hit 40 by the time they release it theres no way were just gonna be able to fly patch day
The chat was extra cancer that day huh, these videos would be so much better without those subhumans
Legion is that you?
Mi Yu Xing Zhe [Sub: Eng] Episode 01
Quick maffs 16weeks = 8months
Asmongold reacting this way to a system that is actually good is really annoying. Just because the covenant that he chose is one of the worst he’s mad he can’t change it on a dime. The idea of being able to change covenants freely is the antithesis of what the covenants stand for.
Stop being a man-child. And if you paid attention to the campaign story instead of getting carried to 60 you would’ve heard that we will eventually get all covenant abilities
People were crying that their is no versatility in the game, now they get versatility and start crying even louder
lol he thought achievements would be acct wide
Making people wait two weeks to switch isn’t a bad thing. Making everything in WoW quick and easy is what ruined the game.
Lmfao Asmon's eyebrows have a life on their own, and it's getting increasingly more out of hand week after week.
Going to stick with the one Covenant, the last patch with have catch ups no doubt
Why cant I just hit max level and get gear, all the systems and time gating are stupid.
Too much content. This is a second job. SUCKS
Sounds like really quality content. 😀
Pull the rip cord cuz i want the other transmogs and not have to swap covenants
Anima is actually more akin to Garrison Resources, not Artifact power.
Also Ignore Mccuck – Why would you switch covenants on a single character?
Covenants are basically order halls – no different in terms of having unique mounts per Covenant etc and achievements, and they were locked to a particular class, so you had to use a different toon
Naa two years. Fuk dat shit
The covenant system is basicly a battle pass feature for free x4. If you played games with battlepasses this is very similar rewards tied to level teirs. Pretty nice addition to the game 👍
you people don't see they put all those real time limitation for them to hopefuly force you to get the month subscribed … That's not the way to get love from your community of player Blizzard . Some of us may not love FFXIV but this is exactly why so many people have moved from wow to XIV … And then there is Blizzard telling you that if you don't enjoy the content it's probably because you suck… WTF
“I’m not about waiting two weeks to go back to a covenant I left”. It’s a punishment guy. You aren’t supposed to like it.
McCools reference to Jimmy: A world of warcraft story SENT ME HAHHAHA