Legendary Socket Changes 9.1- Shadowlands – World of Warcraft

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Blizzard has made changes to legendarys and how sockets work going from 9.0 to 9.1. Honestly Theres never been more confusion for a lot of players on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for the upcoming patch! 9.1 will be interesting for sure.

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16 thoughts on “Legendary Socket Changes 9.1- Shadowlands – World of Warcraft”

  1. All they had to do was tell people to go to the rune carver, he should just change your legendary to whatever slot you want and add a socket. So simple.

    But no it have to be an insanely complex cobbled together system full of problems and holes.

  2. Don't understand the community behind this, so you have refarm your Lego, so what? Why are wow players so lazy??? If you don't like farming don't play an MMORPG you morons….

  3. So new helms, neck, bracer and belt getting sockets, but why not the other slots too? Im a resto shaman, I need to recraft my leggy from Helm to Hands because of the domination armor, but hands dont get a socket? why? wtf is this shit

  4. Rushed launch due to dropping their arse over FF14. Also as Ian himself said in the SL beta interview with preech…..they cause issues for themselves with systems brought in. Go watch the interview again, you’ll have a chuckle at what he said and what we got.

  5. Spitting truths Infexious. It would of been so simple to have a Soul Forge to scrap your legendary to return Soul Ash. Too busy fucking about micro managing balancing for all their conduits, legendaries, covenant abilities that no one asked for.

  6. They could put a bandaid on this mess and have all existing legendaries, that use these slots, have a socket appear once the patch goes live. Still doesnt compensate players that spent a ton of Stygia for the socket add, but it's something? Also, why would people re-craft their legendary before the patch? I've got a few legendaries that I got to remake, but I decided to wait till patch launch, weeks ago. I didn't see the rush or the advantage of doing it now verses later, and figured there could be changes between then and patch launch. Are legendaries in the EU that costly? Rank 4 vessels in US servers are like 40k gold max. What Blizzard should of done from the get-go was say "hey, we got legendaries that interfere with domination sockets, let's either: have existing legendaries get domination sockets, and/or gem sockets). Like helms, some legendaries are BIS in helm, but it's a dom socket and gem socket. Let the player have both sockets on their existing legendary…."

  7. Hey, tomorrow can u talk a bit about when to make a covenant/spec choice? I'm keeping my powder dry but with the update yetserday to Bron & the Kyr leggo. Sub/Outlaw on Kyrian keeps whispering my name but i dont want to be immediately nerfed. Thx man

  8. All they need is an NPC that will disassemble/salvage any legendary you drop in it: refunding the missives, the soul ash, and the base materials that craft the base item.

    Make the first one free, second one 5000, third one and beyond 25,000…
    It’s asinine, and not worth a resub for people like me that have a busy job and lots of kids.

  9. Just gotta say I enjoyed shadowlands at the start and I'm gonna play 9.1. Just gotta say this expansion has made me feel like I've only made bad decisions from start. First I made my rogue nightfae but then saw that kyrian was crazy op so I went kyrian instead…. that got nerfed super hard and everyone went back to nightfae so I just let my rogue sit. Played my mage and decided to go frost since I heard that was good before expansion was released went venthyr and realised fire is super bad with venthyr having swapped my rogue I just didn't bother swapping and played a warr instead. Went kyrian then swapped to venthyr to pvp and pve and sticked to it. Needed new stats on one legendary I crafted but not an option…. I've crafted over 15 legendaries on all my characters due to buffs and nerfs pve and pvp scenarios I had 3 million start of this expansion now I'm at 600k. As someone who has always enjoyed all sides of the game this expansion has been the biggest struggle. Prioritising do i pick pve from vault and fall behind in pvp or the other way around ? Do I first craft a pvp legendary and let my guild progress without me or play a different character for pve and pve. Honestly to be competitive in both scenarios with one class you need two characters maybe even three if you want to push m+ hard at start.


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