You have a friend who likes playing the story #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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38 thoughts on “You have a friend who likes playing the story #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. I've tried literally every expansion since cata to get into the lore while levelling, I just get impatient, blast throught the quests as fast as possible so I can go do worldquests and dungeons 😂

    My wife, however, reads the quests and everything, she LOVES the lore, and when you add picking flowers and catching pokemons as well on top of it, makes 1 zone take like a day 😂

  2. yea, I did this when WOTLK hit, then I did the one quest line where you help someone kill a bad guys consort, then he kidnaps her and forcers her to be his consort, and youre just like "Did I accidently help force someone into sexual slavery?"

  3. PvP used to be like 50% of the playerbase back in legion, people outside of SW or in goldshire dueling for hours. Now it’s hard to believe pvp exists in the game since most people are playing animal crossing crafting simulator, grifting AH, and world of quecraft


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