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In the past week we started learning a lot of new information about the titans which completely changes their lore and this time it is no different as we learned even more crazy groundbreaking information.
We now know that there is a Zereth Ordus for the beings of order much like Zereth Mortis in 9.2 Shadowlands which may become new content for Dragonflight. We also learned a lot more about how the titans deleted history and how they may be becoming villains in the new wow expansion.
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Do you see Zereth Ordus becoming a patch content zone in Dragonflight? Also I'd like to thank Scars of Honor for making this video possible, check them out:
Man, the first ones were massively incompetent at creating things.
Blizzard should hide Odyn. His ideas for the lore are way better. Fuck the First Ones
It kills me how much of the story is constantly changed. It makes it feel pointless.
I don't think Titans were printed like the Eternal Ones lol, they will probably take a page outta Marvel and say the First Ones planted the world souls into planets which wouldn't change anything at all. We also don't need another Zereth patch…it's fine if it's there just for continuity but that's it.
It's funny how Odyn thinks mortals shouldn't reach too far beyond their comprehension when he was reaching out to other realms and made a deal that almost played a part in the universe being undone.
There's gonna be Zereth Amogus next, mark my words
Imagine the first one are the winner from a previous univers were order won the race and got to do their order shit
Now I’m really curious to see the Void’s perspective on these things.
They gonna fuck the lore just for ego strocking
Don't they fucking get it? We want to forget the shadowlands as a bad dream, STOP blizzard pls FFS, worst writing in an expansion ever seriously.
What moron is still keeping that nathanos wannabe danuser in blizzard? Dude is total anti talent. Please dauser, take those zereths and show it up your b.t
Ah yes, the BLACK EMPIRE was Morally grey. let's ignore the fact literally every single time we have interacted with beings from the BLACK EMPIRE they tried to brutally control mortals into being mindless slaves. Let's just ignore how the Titans literally sacrificed themselves to save not JUST Azeroth but the mortals as well. Well congrats Danuser, you managed to shit all over another segment of the Lore people enjoyed. Nobody thought the Titans were perfectly innocent, but they were still GOOD. Now we're supposed to believe they were somehow worse than the BLACK EMPIRE?
Did not like when they made Light pretty evil and now same here. I mean, why can't we have some good guys in the universe just as well?
Can you talk about the Storm Dragons in Legion and how they fit in Dragon lore with the new expansion
I feel if they had fleshed it all out, first, making it not so patchy and stressed, it could've gone over much more easily for the fans and lore nerds for WoW.
Because making it more whole, like this video, would've been so much better
Morally grey….. like Sylvanas…..
what if the threat that the Jailer was talking about is in fact one of the First Ones ?
Remember these books predate warcraft events
The key takeaway “life is chaos” remind me again, who are the servants of chaos?
At this rate we will end up realizing the old gods were the heroes and titans were the pieces of shit.
Pure order and pure chaos are inimical to life. It may be smaller scale, but have you ever encountered anyone who was all good or all evil? Who trusts someone whose first words are 'I'm the good guy'?
Sweet..titans are just robots too.
so this means world souls aren't titans ? or just imprisoned ones ? or where they the originals that the first ones made robotic copies of
Odyn, my warrior toon served you faithfully in Legion, and this is how you see us??? Well, I know what the Void is capable of and seeing N'zoth either trying to help and save us, corrupt Azeoth and us, or both, I feel like siding with the Void now because of this new revelation
As I said before,first one Is the only creator of the universe, who made Titan and other gods.
This makes total sense as nothing is totally good or totally bad. The new lore just present the Titans as realistic beings instead of a bunch of space hippies as they've been presented since launch. I'm sure the guys on the WOW fourms will have a fit but then again, they have a fit when anything changes.
If they write it in a proper way, this can be an epic story. Where we bit by bit find out that we are played by the Titans. Where we see more and more of the true way of the universe.
Therefore I think it is nice to continue the story of Shadowlands, since it changed alot in the lore.
But I got a feeling in a xpack or 2 they will tell use about the first ones of the first ones.
Even tho that the first one created the Zeroth (as in 0 which is the first item in a list in a lot of programming languages) places for each force. And called it Zereth something. Which makes kinda sense, that there is a force that try and hide those places.
In the end the truth will come out and the history we are told will break.
But I hope blizzard will make it a kinda decent story without constant retcons of a xpack or 2 ago..
I can respect that the Titans are somewhat morally ambiguous, even if in a 'The Greater Good' sort of way, where they view individuals as tools and means to fulfil the grand plans to 'improve' creation as a whole. Then again, from what has been hinted, the Black Empire was terrifying as hell, but also mirrored the Aztecs in several ways. And despite them being war-like and practicing human sacrifice, they were advanced for the region and had a good quality of life for their own citizens.
Is any one side wholly good or evil? No. At the same time, it seems the Titans have a plan and your value and position are fixed inside of that plan, and if you are not suited for it you would be destroyed and a replacement made. Old Gods have goals and if servants were able to stand out on their own merits, they gained power and individuality (which, given how their closest servants were insects might be relevant).
So, Titans were staunch collectivists while old Gods are more Individualist. Titans have rigid plans and dictates. Old Gods are highly variable and decentralized. Just my thoughts.
Finally, I've been saying this since Wotlk
Come on Blizz! Give me the "Sargeras was always the Good Guy all along" Storyline.🤣
the first ones made a cosmic battle royale and told every force that the other forces are evil
And now I finally understand why I am so worried about Dragonflight in general and why it hasn't hyped me as much as I'd love to. The last part as you mentioned, it needs a really good execution in the expansion else the lore can seriously get even more hurt. Considering there are a few of everything floating around DF it gets me worried to no end what can be messed up or will be messed up.
There's a lot to unpack here (long rant, bear with me):
First, I'm going to beging sayint that I HATED the Shadowlands story. It was bad worldbuilding and storytelling. However, since were are stuck with it, I do feel this is a good way to continue with its lore, because:
a)It is not forced and in-your-face. This are small revelations, little seeds that are planted bit by bit that have large implications, but dont alter everything all of the sudden. Shadowlands was very out of the blue in that sense, and felt awkward.
b)It mades sense.
1-Odyn was always a pile of trash, it was very obvious if you payed attention, so it's very in-character for him to decree such things, and just as the Naaru were shown to not be perfect, I dont think the Titans were either. I mean they commanded Algalon with instructions to destroy the whole planet if needed, mortals be damned, and Ra-den depression made him neglectful and aloof to his creation, the Mogu, when they needed him. I dont think the titans are bad per se, but they do have individual personalities and can be as flawed as everybody else.
2- The Black Empire wasnt good, but perhaps they did a few stuff that were positive. It has been stated the curse of flesh debilitated the titan-forged and make them vulnerable to corruption, but it also gave them free will and independent thinking. The Old Gods were quite malevolent, but maybe they created things that could be considered good throught mortal eyes. After all, the void is obsessed with uncovering all truths and evolving, while the light and order would prefer for everything to be static and ordered in a single way. The Black Empire was, after all, Azeroth first true civilization.
3- It is said that Freya created the Emerald Dream, but this disputed. Some say the Emerald dream already existed, and Freya merely modified it, and Odyn's decree for the titans to take credit for the creation of all that is on Azeroth falls perfectly with that.
This has a lot of potential. It all depends if Blizzard is capable of telling their story with nuance and care, but I dont hold my breath on that.
Look, clean lore is bad. Odin is a Titan Keeper. Not a titan. We have endless examples of titan keepers failing at their charges. This is what Odin told his keepers to do. We don't know if the titans told him to do it. Maybe they didn't care. Maybe this happened after they stopped talking. Your boss can speak with the authority of the company, but that doesn't mean he's doing what they asked specifically wwnt he tells you to mop the break room floor. We know titan keepers can make independant choices and have seen them fail to intemperate the titans wishes before.
Also the titans were never our allies. They created machines to wipe life out if they didnt like what we did.. We are literally the result of dark God corruption of their creations. They have never been good guys as a unit.
Great vid, sir😊
On the topic: I'm literally crying inside while I'm rocking back and forth in the corner when I see what they've done to the lore of Warcraft….
If we read the Simarillion, I think we can tell where World of Warcraft is going.
1. Clockmaker = Eru Illuvatar
2. The First Ones = The Ainur
3. The Void Lords = Servants of Morgoth.
We've legit been speculating that the titans are bad guys since fucking day 1. Now that they are dropping hints that the titans are bad guys we are gonna start saying crazy shit like this shouldnt of even been a possibility. Lets not catter to those kinda special being of people.
so…Odyn is a dick…..I mean, this ain't groundbreaking
You keep saying "this confirms the titans are evil" and "this confirms the titans are tyrannical" but Odyn != Titans?
Loken was bad as well, doesn't mean all the other keepers or even the Titans themselves agreed with what he did? So what's your logic that they should agree with Odyn?
Odyn has always been a d*ck, doesn't mean anyone likes him or agrees with him.
Not very hopefull that we get good lore when you see what these writers created over the last few yeqrs.
Evio and good is subjective and this is only bringing reality to WoW lore
Zereth Mortis
Zereth Ordus
Zereth Vita
Zereth Lux
Zereth Inanis
Zereth Chao
……bruh. seriously.
Blizzard if this turns out to be true. Just pathetic
it is unknown if light and order are also brainwashed by someone else.
Azeroth. A zeroth. A zerith?
"The nature of the six. (Possibly seven, possibly infinite)"
What if Azeroth isn't just a Titan seed but the Zenith for the combination of the six?
When Light, Life, Order, Shadow, Death, and Disorder come together to create Reality… Reality is both finite and infinite as represented in World of Warcraft. The infinite possible scenarios, the multiverse, and time ways that can be crafted… time itself as a concept. Is that Reality? Time?
Does Azeroth exist in the realm of Order, or does it just exist in a realm that has Order applied to it? Just as it has had the other five applied to it.
if we fkin get to all of them zeerths i am gonna fkin kill myself
This whole void not being bad. Wow, so we see Alleria Windrunner, is going to meet her sister Veresssato go see Sylvanas. First the void is trying to get her to kill her husband, then her sister, then Sylvanas. To take over her mind. We saw how the void is trying to take her over and make her do things, she feels id wrong. And other void elves has also said the same is happening to them. And it is the void itself doing this, unlike people who are of the light using the light in wrong way. That is on the individuals. The light doesn't go into peoples minds and try to take them over. Every religion has zealots.
Dumb naming aside. The concept of new lore Shadowlands brought us ON PAPER is awesome.
The execution of said lore in Shadowlands was worse than Blizzards idea of an Human Resource division.
Hopefully Dragonflight will expand upon this better than Shadowlands wished it could
great i like the idea that titans are not naturally created before planets instead they are implanted in them or im also well with the idea they are not born from planets at alls and its all bullshit from the titans
Here YOU go again… I'm sticking to classic
Your accent is so annoying.