Blizzard considered Demon Hunters for World of Warcraft way earlier #warcraft #worldofwarcraft

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20 thoughts on “Blizzard considered Demon Hunters for World of Warcraft way earlier #warcraft #worldofwarcraft”

  1. Glad they held off, it would of made Illidan underwhelming. Player pride would constantly be " im a better DH than him, give me the glaives" as opposed to "give me your glaives" that we already have mindset 😂

  2. Honestly all the hero classes do just fit the world perfect demon hunter is still awesome to me I loved playing one

    But my fav of the hero classes is still the evoker as I love the dragon flights

  3. TBC was best expansion and match with classic xD reason why they wont prepared to add this into game because they had a lot of work to balanced new two races and adding shamans to alliance and paladins to horde xD plus made flying in outland….but the game was awesome…..i hope they soon make original 2.4.3 so play it again xD


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