07-Dec-2024 Grubby Live Stream – World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore & Path of Exile 2 EA Release

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Only reading chat on Twitch (not here on YT)


4 thoughts on “07-Dec-2024 Grubby Live Stream – World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore & Path of Exile 2 EA Release”

  1. 4:59:00 Some actual quality of life improvement on Blizzard later expansion. "Threat Plate" for example is an addon ppl can download for wow vanilla/classic. You can adjust the parameters, but overall, the idea is monsters' nameplate will change color whenever a set threshold of aggro is breached from your side. I.e: if you set 80% as threshold, the enemy's nameplate will glow from green to yellow. If the monster is focusing on you, its namplate is red. etc. Very useful.

  2. 5:38:00 Somehow, I'm very compelled to answer William Patrick Furey's question in the chat. Leveling warrior almost never use "Cleave" ability for threat, rage cost is too expensive. Thunderclap for initial aggro (just 1 time), and tab around the monsters to sunder, watch the meter, spam sunder on a single monster if it requires more attention. In raiding environment, once tank has prepared a set of "threat gear", it basically has infinite rage to spam cleave, thunderclap or demo/battle shout + force reactive disk combo. Demo shout if there are more mobs than friendly, battle shout if there are more friendly affected than enemies.

  3. Grubby u might enjoy an addon called oGlow, it adds a border to items that matches the rarity of the items. It's a retail feature that was added in a later expansion. It makes inspecting people or looking at your own character frame nicer


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