10.1 Best World of Warcraft Buffs Nerfs and Changes We Need to See!

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Buff, Nerf, Change: What would you like to see changed in WoW?

Tettles sits down with Nerf, Ellesmere and Asuna to talk about what they’d like see shaken up in World of Warcraft 10.1 !

00:00 Buff
11:12 Nerf
26:51 Change


45 thoughts on “10.1 Best World of Warcraft Buffs Nerfs and Changes We Need to See!”

  1. The game is arguably the best balance it has ever had in DF. Tuning to perfection is an impossible task. I believe the raid buffs are essential because if you don't, then mythic raiders will only play a few classes instead of the 80% that bring raid buffs. It forces diversity and makes it so you have to utilize certain classes. If we have scrolls or something to replace it, there will be the top guilds using only like 5-6 classes and this will have a trickle effect that everyone will copy pasta. Having no class raid buffs will just have 5-6 classes being played and literally killing class diversity in raids. This is just an opinion.

  2. Ppl that think the gearing is to fast are the ones that play all the time, for ppl with outside responsibilities it is very welcoming that you are able to catch up gear wise so you can actually play the content u want and try different builds or gear setups

  3. Drums, cr and tank threat, and pandaria version of class buffs are epic takes.. drums dont need to be too competetive, 18 or 20% could be amazing buff while still keeping BL much better.. cr should be even longer cast time, something between 5-6sec so its crazy big, but no backfire 100%. Tank threat shouldnt be like legion where u can kite mobs during half a dung and not lose aggro, but if youre actively fighting and have good dam u should never lose it.. and class buffs are great for raid and for m+ too, but they should be like BL.. more classes should have the same and we should have lil fewer of them.. at least 2, or 3 classes to have more. Classes like hunt could be the Jack of all trades alittle bit with pets, one pet BL, other pet spec CR back? Third pet maybe the monk 5% physical dam buff, etc.. its a really good idea.

  4. We need to buff Holy Priest Damage for keys or make it easier to damage not an either damage or heal option we are ranked so much lower for keys just because of damage. For those that go well just play disc I hate the disc playstyle and it has a much higher skill cap.

  5. Everything was going perfect till : yea buff dungeons …..nerf gear ?? You all play as your job , so far I really like that I’m behind my crazy guild but not that far that I can’t even do 11s with them

  6. Raid buffs should stay for raid only, i.e. none of them function anywhere else. Meaning drums become the only means of providing lust/hero and therefore no longer suck. Then battleres could just become an additional action button when in M+. This should remove any need to have specs being brought/denied just because of a group buff.

  7. Gearing shouldn't be designed with 0.1% of playerbase in mind. Hence why we have the system as it is right now. There are loads of people who can't participate in all the game modes. If I don't want to raid, l shouldn't do so. Make me feel rewarded for doing m+ only.

  8. The gearing system is really nice at the moment….except for m+'ers being left out of tier yet again until the arbitrary 6 week wait for catalyst is changed. Keeping m+ players from tier is just silly at this point. If Blizz wants people to raid, make it more fun to pull people in. Right now, Blizz is trying to say: If you want your 4 piece before TEN mother f**king weeks into the patch…you have to raid. Seems like they are trying to artificially inflate their raid participation numbers so they can have a company circle jerk to tell themselves how great their raid is.

  9. I’m going to say this again. I’m not trying to be mean – you guys need real jobs.

    Gear acquisition is great. When people who work real jobs and don’t rely on streams/viewer donations play the game, they enjoy having good gear and can achieve their goals by the end of the season.

    You guys are such good players you don’t even need gear to do 20s. There are players who will get AOTC by week 14-16 that play 2 hours a week. You guys could play more in a week than majority of people play in a full season.

    The answer to raid gear feeling relevant is placing a new upgrade level, going to 447, good trinkets, and end boss 450.

  10. I think blood Dk specifically needs like a 5% threat buff. I’m a raid tank and the other tank in my guild is a dh and he has on more than one occasion pulled threat off me with just his dmg. Similar ilvls. But then when he’s on his much lower than me ilvl brewmaster for some fights, I don’t pull threat off him? So either blood Dk needs a big dmg increase in single target or a threat buff. I feel like my multi target dmg is fine with this seasons tier.

  11. Good new segment. For me I’m not raiding this tier so Catalyst feels too late. It stinks to get new gear from a dungeon that’s an ilevel upgrade but I can’t use it because I can’t break my prior tier set 4 piece until I have full 4 set for new set….

  12. The issue with the current gearing system is that it is OP for the people that play 20-40 hours a week. For the people that are only able to play 10ish or less hours/week bc family, work and such the gearing is great and doesn’t feel like we are SO far behind. It give us a sense of being able to play the game at some sort of high level.

  13. As someone who's done nothing but pvp for the last 15 years. Pvp is in such a bad state I rather raid or do mythics then pvp. First season pushing keys and I'm 18s working on 19s then 20s. For me there hard because I have to learn everything mechanics routes buff debuffs. Over all I'm enjoying it way more then pvp. I honestly the pvp community is hanging on by a thread.

  14. If blizzard would listen to this type of feedback all the time, everything would be the same. Everyone would have the same utility, the same damage profile, the same strengths and weaknesses, it would make for a very boring game.

  15. I like that dungeons this season have real DPS checks like the totems in Brackenhide, for 2 reasons:

    1) In the past, DPS have usually had the least responsibility in keys. Giving them some "play well or deplete" moments is good compared to all the weight being on the tank and healer. It's much more interesting than playing clean and depleting to time and that being the only time you deplete b/c of DPS.

    2) if there aren't these specific damage profile checks, then the meta dps class will always just be the biggest uncapped AoE spec, which is boring and literally the opposite of some specs' identities. I can relate to what Asuna's saying about not being able to play your favorite spec, but I think it's funny because DPS warrior has felt that way in almost every season and nobody really cared.

  16. Just gonna drop my 2 cents about Raid Buffs, and Class Diversity things. I thought when Blizzard announced the new Talent Tree system, that they were going to add more class utility and some of the choices you make would be utility choices/buff choices. Meaning like maybe allowing Shamans to talent into their own version of Arcane Intellect so that they could bring that to a group, and maybe you could get by without a mage (coming from a Mage main btw). Or allowing a choice node where a Monk could choose between bringing Physical dmg taken vs Magic Dmg taken. That sort of thing I expected to see in the trees.

  17. I would love to see a change to raiding more in line with FFIV. For example each raid contains 9 bosses. The first 4 are released at the .0 patch. The second 4 are released at the .5 patch and the final boss at the .7 patch. LFR can be queued and is all bosses at once (4-4-1). Normal can be queued per boss with a fixed raid size like LFR. Heroic can be queued per boss but only with a full premade so if you queue with 10 people the boss will be scaled to 10 people. Mythic stays the same. The last boss will be available on Legendary difficulty with a fixed raid for example 10 and will be harder than Mythic.

  18. The gear system is great as it is. It doesn’t feel punishing this way if you choose the wrong item and if you play alts like me and also have to work gearing will still take enough time. I’m not even close to having all gear BIS and max ilvl.

  19. 38:00 the prestige is the rating lol. How is this overseen? The title is the color (”rank”).

    Its good for anyone trying to push to get the experience in lol, especially now when there is 8 new dungeons this season. No incentive? Now tell me how you gonna push for title as a regular player without experience. I’d like to see that.

  20. When it comes to balance, every class combo party should be able to "win" up to 20+ for M+. Every "correct" combo should make the party win harder. M+ is scaling thus there is not a need for make keys super punishing and unfun.

  21. Nerf to rdruids hps, give them utility make them a support class I literally don't care but for once can we not have them top hps by like 40k ahead of the next healer while having the most simple class.
    Charges on keystones, so say you have 3 charges before it depletes.
    Keystone groups where 1 key would let you pick from 3 options.
    Removal of "super rare" items from raids and/or tokens that let you buy what you want.

  22. On nerf's point about Neltharion's Lair, the damage going out is so crazy punishing in there on high fort they have to KEEP A MOB CC'D IN A 2 PACK at the end of the dungeon so everyone doesn't die. A 2 PACK.

  23. Getting rid of class buffs is absolutely the most lazy mind set a player could have. Classes have identity for the majority of the player base, you need to have unique abilities and variety to have a game continue to work. Mix matching is something the game can use more of, as such the buffs each class brings should actually be increased by ALOT. Not liquifying the game down into a melting pot where you can't tell one class from another.

  24. Asuna is to smart, i play vengence DH, and sturggle alot with aggro, since only 2 abilities are thread modified, 1 spirit bomb (spender) , 2 infernal strike (your only mobilitiy ability), so the most effecient way to get aggro fast for dh is jumping into the pack, which seems very counter intuative, to dh playstyle, since we are very squishy early into a pull, since alot of our dmg migation comes from brand, or friality. mayby sigil of flame, immo auro, or glaive, thread modifier, would make it more enjoyable to play with dh tank.

  25. I wonder if they could make it so totem like mobs suffer push back on casts from direct damage so it wouldnt be so punishing if you had classes that needed to ramp damage. It could also be kinda cool if they designed a way for some healers to have like a split dot ability, where if someone gets a dot the healer can split it amongst the group or 1-2 extra players so its damage profile is easier to deal with if removal is on cd


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