Shadowlands Covenant / Legendary Update (Highlights)

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Shadowlands Covenant / Legendary Update (Highlights)


41 thoughts on “Shadowlands Covenant / Legendary Update (Highlights)”

  1. I'm not sure if you alI'm not sure if you already have this idea, but making a "Best Covenant for each Class in PVP" when SL comes out would be dope! Thanks for the content you've been posting already.

  2. The entire point of the covenants was thematics. No one covenant should be better than the other. The single target ability should not be more powerful in single target than it is in AoE, because that means some other covenant is hands down better. They don’t want that, they want them as absolutely even as possible. I think as a whole, the players are fucking sick and fucking tired of min/max assholes.

  3. For the Hunter covenants, i do think the Kyrian one comes with severe drawbacks, hence why it escaped the nerfs. I've seen what it can do with a volley build, specially with the old leggo that proc'd chimera shots.

    But that's perfect scenarios. In reality, i still think its a clunker that's fairly easy to outplay. In PvP, all you have to do is move to another pillar, sure you get 4 seconds of sight which can be great situationally but so can the others, its pretty much the point.

    In PvE unless you have your Tank (raiding) at your beck and call and never pug, its going to be a fucking nightmare to maximise this thing as tanks might not pay attention to it or even care for it or be factually forced to move the boss out of it, or the OT might taunt swap and boss is going to get out of it etc. I personally don't want to deal with any of that.

  4. They buffed the hell out of enhance legendary you could kill in 2 globals every minute…hot fixed in an hour 😂 now how did destro stay broken a whole expansion….lol a dev’s wife must have cheated on him with an enhance main

  5. Can't get enough of your stuff, Supa. I know you didn't want to drag this video on. But I'd have sat here and listened to you talk all god damn night. You're so analytical and your opinion on things make a lot of sense. Looking forward to your thoughts on the class changes.

  6. RIP sub rogue. All the fun of Shadowstrike teleporting you behind target (the first time you used it, from PROPER stealth, on a target – because it didn't work with Shadow Dance 'stealth' nor with Subterfuge), and even that is gone. It was literally the only thing that made the spec fun.

  7. This is not our problem to think how blizzard will balance stuff. They are the multimillion company, they should hired people way smarter then us to balance the game, thats why we pay blizzard for game and subscription fees . IT IS THEIR JOB NOT OURS.

  8. HI Supatease, I'm working a lot these days, so these videos have been very helpful for me. It's easy to put these on and listen to you break down the changes. Thank you for your time and dedication!

  9. Just throw out conduits and tune the classes so they play well the way they should and make covenant abilities fun an different for different situations as a talent!
    THEN everyone can make his meaningful choice with the pact he really enjoys and want's to farm mog from and all that stuff! 😀
    SO SIMPLE! Because conduits will never fucking ever be balanceable!

  10. Checkout skill capped's description on their vids. It would be really nice if you posted links to sections of your videos like they do. I am not going to watch a full 30m video to find the answer on 1 class that Im seeking info for. And others are certainly the same which is why skill capped does it the way they do. > I would watch more of your videos if I could navigate them better on the ones that I dont want to watch the full video of~ I mean.. how many people care about every single class? IM sure some… but… ? eh.


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