10.2.5 Is HERE! Top 10 Best Features of Seeds of Renewal | Secret Quests, Cinematics, Dragonriding

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World of Warcraft Dragonflight patch 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal is here with all the new features we were promised – Retaking Gilneas and Iridikron quests, New Night Elf capital Bel’ameth with its transmog treasures, Dragonriding dynamic flying all across Azeroth, the Outland Cup later, AI-controlled follower dungeons that let you run WoW instances solo and loads more. But what about what we WEREN’T promised? The new cinematics? The surprises? Taliesin and Evitel break the new patch down and look at the 10 best features.

Dragonrider addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dragon-rider

► Wowhead Articles

Follower Dungeons – Initial Daily Limit

New Pepe Costume Locations in Patch 10.2.5 – Dragon, Explorer, Tuskarr

Patch 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal Patch Notes

Dig Into the Dragon Isles with the Azerothian Archives Public Event in Patch 10.2.5

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00:00 Intro
03:36 1: Retaking Gilneas
06:44 2: Epilogue Quests: Iridikron, Xal’atath?
07:13 3: New Cutscenes and Cinematics
07:41 4: Azerothian Archives
10:10 5: Bel’Ameth, Night Elf Capital
10:57 6: Follower Dungeons
12:43 7: Outland Cup
13:41 8: Dragonriding Everywhere!
14:57 9: Dracthyr Flying with Soar
15:46 BONUS! Dragonrider Addon
16:21 10: Extra Cool Bits


33 thoughts on “10.2.5 Is HERE! Top 10 Best Features of Seeds of Renewal | Secret Quests, Cinematics, Dragonriding”

  1. I have to say, the conversation between Lillian Voss and Tess Greymane, during a certain part of the Gilneas fight, is just about as friendly as two murderous rogues can be, and for that conversation alone I loved doing the reclaiming.

  2. I'm not sure if this is mentioned anywhere but I do wonder what will happen to druid flight forms in the next expansion. Will they stay static, gain dynamic flight abilities or maybe the ability to toggle between the two? Dynamic speed is awesome but as a druid herbalist I would prefer static when I'm herb farming. The best for me would be one flight form for each, like how rare and epic mount speed used to work

  3. its not that i think decreasing dragonriding speed outside of the dragon isles is necessarily a BIG deal i just for the life of me cant see a single benefit of doing that nor can i understand why it was implemented, who is it hurting to have full speed flight??? we all have equal access to it, not like the flight is locked behind some massive grind so people without the urge to grind wouldnt be able to experience it. also not like theres much going on in azeroth that makes having a faster mount than lower level toons matter. some decisions i just cant wrap my head around

  4. I played the Retaking of Gilneas, but was a little disappointed as to how lowkey it was. The Scarlet crusade should have been made a major fanatical threat to the Alliance and to the Horde. The high priest in charge of the crusaders should have been more intense and, instead of being easily killed off, she should have crashed through the windows of the building that she was cornered in and flew around with her lightspawn over the Gilnean city; then, she would have pulled a Crowley worthy move and ordered her followers to set the city on fire by lighting explosions. Signaling the ultimate threat she really is as their leader.
    Greymane family and players would watch helplessly as the city is engulfed in smoke and explosions spread fires over roof tops, giving players to mount up their dragons and put out the fires all the while chasing after the lead high priest midair and shoot her down. Finally, confronting her and the Greymane family would be like: "WE WILL NOT LET OUR HOME BURN! NOT AGAIN!" (Refering to Teldrassil) High Priest gives scathing comparisons and insults their slow reclaim of the city before finally eating the dust defeated.
    Honestly, this would have been a more impactful conclusions than before.

  5. So Gilneas is what? A one time event. Dragonriding in "old" world is what? Great, but to what end? Artifact digging ala Tuskaar cooking pot is good if u like transmog ONLY and follower dungeons that offer crap xp for leveling and are designed for what? prepping people who play solo for group content? Weak patch at best. These "patches" iirc back in the old day would be done surreptitiously, overnight with a blue post somewhere telling us we could now ride our dragons everywhere. They are calling these "content additions" to sate the need for additional stuff to do, when most of these would take a person 2 hrs at most to finish or experience. 2 hrs? No raid for 9 months and this is what they are going to fill that time with? Oh well, i guess if your toon looks really cool it doesnt matter.

  6. Orcs went full genocide mode on the blueberry space goats. The Orcs then invaded Azeroth and sacked Stormwind. Garrosh nuked Theramore. Sylvanas directed the Horde to commit genocide and the Horde leaders did nothing as she went mental. She literally just walked away.

    Sure, the Horde are clearly evil but the Alliance always forgive them.


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