World of Warcraft Lets Play – DF Pre Patch Skill Tree and UI Reaction

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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
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42 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Lets Play – DF Pre Patch Skill Tree and UI Reaction”

  1. I Hope this isnt to confusing doing it this way but I wanted to make these past few videos around the pre patch hype so starting tomorrow we will be returning where we left of to the lord of natures journey and AymanGus the sussy will be back soon!

    Thanks for all the support god bless

    Omar <3

  2. Right side Talents r ur spec left side talents are the generic for ur class. So all DH havoc and vengeance have the same left side tree(though diff talents should be picked.). The right side of the talent tree is what is diff.

  3. Never. Change. 69. 😈 You'll unlock a lot more abilities as you level up to 50. If you buy DF you'll be leveling to 70. Blizzard said they will continue to add improvements and changes to the Edit Mode for the UI. So hopefully in the near future we'll be able to extend that main tool bar like before.

  4. It's entertaining to watch someone with no knowledge of WoW learn to play. But sometimes, I do find myself yelling at the screen when you skip over something, or miss an option that a long time player knows by heart. I have to stop and remember you're a newbie! That said, Demon Hunter is a lot of fun to play and definitely level as Vengeance. You are basically unkillable as you heal by just hitting mobs and walking through the soul fragments that show up. One suggestion, I think you can join PVP Battlegrounds soon so try queueing up through the PVP option from the Groups button in your menu bar. Queue into a nice Alterac Valley battleground with 40 players and have fun!

  5. you can right click a target and set it as a focus and then tab target to another player or creature to essentially have two target frames active. (good for if there is a mob that you need to not necessarily kill asap but make sure you interrupt certain spells sometimes.)

  6. The pain in my heart when you moved the unit frame back up to the left T_T

    I used to get headaches when tanking as a noob, moving my eyes up to that corner, down to bars, to mobs, to bars, to mobs, to the corner etc etc. Centering stuff just made me able to focus on gameplay. Love to see this though 😀

  7. I'm so glad you're showing us your reaction to the pre-patch! I can't wait to see what you do with your hunter's talents.

    The Sets tab does sort of tell you the name of where you get it, like the first set in the list says Vault of the Incarnates. That's the new raid in Dragonflight. That set is what Demon Hunters get and all classes have their own that you can view/collect. You can see all colorations by changing the difficulty in the upper-right (LFR, Normal, Heroic, or Mythic). In the raid, you collect the appearances over time by getting the gear drops for your class from that raid. P.S. Not all gear you get from raids is for your set specifically, some appearances are global and can drop for anyone.

    You can go back to old raids and solo them right now on your hunter (older raid bosses die in like 3 hits if you're a much higher level than them) and collect the older sets so you can make your gear look cool. Scroll through that list and find an older set you really like, find the raid and clear the raid instance. Certain bosses drop certain pieces. You can see which drop what by pressing shift-J > Raids > Upper-right dropdown > expansion. Make sure you set the raid to the correct difficulty for the coloration, and drop chances are weekly, resetting on Wednesdays for EU and Tuesdays for NA.

    This is helpful for more than just gear appearances: You can preview the appearance of something by pressing shift + left click. This works for gear, pets, and mounts (you were bothered that you couldn't preview the gryphon mounts before you bought them, this is how). You can do this for gear in your bags as well, even if you can't equip it.

    The cool purple set you looked at says "Gladiator" which means it comes from high rated PVP. Gladiator sets are special seasonal PVP rewards that go away after the season ends and they're not easy to get. I'm going to try and get it in Dragonflight! Most other sets on the list are from open world or crafting.

    It's really fun to get creative with transmog and make your own sets or wear a set that you think looks cool, I hope you find a transmogrifier soon! There's one in the Stormwind Cathedral Square if you want to check it out. It's very easy. Asking a guard in SW will tell you where exactly it is. Some people have a mount that has a transmogrifier/repair vendor on it that costs 125,000 gold, which you've seen before.

  8. if u want that extended action bar at the bottom, activate one in the menu, click on it in edit mode, you can tell it how many buttons you want, move it to where you want it, profit.

  9. I must say.. I've been watching you for the past week, laughing at you squinting at abilities and questioning everything. The new UI came for us today and I feel the exact same way…
    I walk around constantly stressing about wether I'm doing it right and the only differences are appearance and a couple spells. My brain is bugging big time.
    A funny time for you to try the game 😀 But the right time for sure!

  10. The way I do professions is take mining and herbalism/skinning if you're into that and sell everything on the auction house. It'll help you make money a little faster and then you can start a crafting profession once you're ready to do that.

  11. Professions will change, but you can still pick them up. If you do skinning and leatherworking, you can make gear and transmog for both of your characters. You can also pick up skinning on your hunter and mail over the skins to craft with. Skinning can also make a lot of money if you sell the skins on the auction house

  12. I would suggest watch some other youtubers and their guides because 1 action bar is really not enough to have spells on. Because when you get into Mythic+ or pvp there is alot of action going on per minute. and check guides for talent build aswell.

  13. and focus bar is different from target, target is who you have chosen to attack focus is to keep focus on 2nd enemy so you can cc(crowd control or do some other action to interrupt their action with help of macro or how ever you prefer)

  14. Professions are basically a per-expansion thing nowadays, with their own level progress. You don't need to level up all the prior expansions to get access to the new recipes. You just learn for example "Leatherworking" and "Dragon Isles Leatherworking" and you're ready hop into Dragonflight crafting. They did add extensive new features to Dragonflight professions, but those aren't implemented for all the old expansions.

  15. -the profession changes havce now happened with the release of the prepatch so you don't need to wait.
    -you will get a class point on odd levels and a spec point on even levels.
    -you can invest in the top of each tree if you want, you are not restricted with trees besides not being able to go backwards from a node.
    -while the starter build is good enough there are plenty of builds you can do so feel free to experiment and respecing is free and can be done anywhere outside combat now so don't feel like you cant change build if you aren't feeling something.
    -demon hunter is subjectively the best class, vengeance never dies and might as well be a dps rn and havoc is very fun/good in all situations
    -this is phase 1 of the prepatch with all the system changes while phase 2 is in 3 weeks and has an event
    -heirlooms are something you buy at max level to make leveling alt character faster
    -transmog appearances come from pretty much everything and you can transmog you gear in stormwind to make the gear look different, the appearance you looked at is from the dragon flight first raid that isn't out yet
    -instead of extending action bars you can now add up to 6 action bars that you can add keybinds too in settings, they can be reshaped and altered however you like now so if you want, you can put 2 next to each other to replicate extended bars.

  16. In the set tab, it tells you the source of the item when you hover over each tooltip, so you can see if it is from a vendor, a quest, a boss drop from a raid/dungeon etc.

  17. omg whomever said do not learn professions now needs to be silenced. You can do your professions just fine and it is totally okay to do. In Dragonflight expansion area ONLY it will be different. but will not change how old expansions professions works.

  18. You will not get Shadowlands for free until at the very least the official launch day of Dragonflight (Nov 28th). And it's not guaranteed that they will instantly make it free with your current subscription on that very day.

  19. Unfortunately you cannot make action bar 1 extend anymore. The max amount of buttons you can put in it is 12 for some reason. I don't know why.

    There is a work around, but I don't think it's a good one. You could move action bar 1 to the left and put another action bar to the right of it. Then your gryphon statue art will overlap with that second action bar and look bad, so you can disable that art. The end result is a long action bar that has no gryphons on it. I don't personally like the way it looks so I don't do it. I just wish you could extend action bar 1 to have more than 12 slots.

  20. You started playing this game at such an interesting time. So many people who have played for years are about to be completely new to the things you are also completely new to its incredible.

  21. Loved the Hunter Play through! I main a Feral Druid, so I really would love to see that with you. Boo Balance! haha. I am happy you have a lot of interest in Nature and Druids in general, there's a TON of lore with that subject for them. Personally I find the Druid to be the most fun class in the game, as well as the most versitile. I have found it extremely difficult to go back to any other class afterwards haha. Anyways, a few helpful tips for your next playthrough:
    1. Don't focus so much on the secondary stats of items and comparisons in that way, just go with whatever has the most main stat. It's the biggest damage/defense booster while you're leveling up.
    2. If you're doing a dungeon, make sure to pick up/turn in any quests related to them right away, they gives a ton of exp, sometimes almost an entire level's worth, and you had a turn in worth 85% of a level on your hunter for a couple days that you didn't turn in before you hit 50.
    3. If at all possible, purchase Shadowlands. It's relatively cheap right now I believe, albeit very shortlived, but if you are unable to level to 60 before Dragonflight, you're going to be very behind when it launches. Blizzard in the past have made the previous expansion a baseline with the game during pre-patch, so that still might happen, but just something to keep in mind before Dragonflight.
    4. You can have more Actionbars. If you open up the Options and click Actionbars, you can have more and your bars don't have to be so compact. A lot of people moved special skills closer to where their eyes are [Near combat or centre of screen] so that they can click it quickly and it's not out of sight/mind. Just something to think about

    Have fun! Demon Hunter's an interesting class! It's very mobile, and has a lot of surviability, but I found it to be slightly boring compared to others. The Esthetic is amazing though, and I wish I enjoyed it more because Purple is my favourite colour and I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Demon Hunter gets the "Slayer" title from Legion rewards haha.

  22. You are able to see how a piece of gear will look on your character by holding CTRL and clicking on it. Those sets you saw in your collection tab are gear you can get from raids (the name of the raid is shown under the gear set name. It can also be part of a reputation or PvP set, in which it says something else besides a raid name).

  23. I'm pretty sure there have been addons for a single bag forever. But I like the multiple bags, makes it easier to keep things organized.
    You can have the additional action bars enabled without them being on the screen all the time, you only see them when the skills are on them. You can also scale them to make them smaller (or larger), as with all of the other elements, reshape the bars, etc. and arrange them however you want. You will definitely need more action bar room.
    Tanking is mostly for grouping ironically, since it is for keeping aggro off your DPS and healers. it just slows you down in solo play.


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