10.2.6 is Plunderstorm! World of Warcraft’s Battle Royale Mode – Complete Overview

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:33 Event Info
02:08 Getting Started
03:09 Gameplay
06:55 Plunder & Renown
07:34 Rewards
08:29 Final Thoughts & Outro


26 thoughts on “10.2.6 is Plunderstorm! World of Warcraft’s Battle Royale Mode – Complete Overview”

  1. Thank you for this lovely short yet informative overview of the event! Your video was exactly right because my friend and I had already had a discussion about exactly how this works. Thanks,
    Mr. GM you are awesome! 😁

  2. I get it that Blizzard is trying to attract new players but if I want to play a Battle Royal game I will install one. No need for WOW to host a battle royal event.
    It's so far away from the actual game that this event is rather stupid. What is next. a Fifa of GTA event?

  3. I like that they´re trying somnething new, even if the BR train left the station like 10 years ago and I generally despise BR games like PUBG. I´ll still reserve judgement until I can play it.


    That said, the massive big brain move of spoilering it for everyone as soon as the NA Servers went down for maintenance turned the months long hype train into a flaming wreck instantly.

    And we were explicitly told "No pirates"… I understand that it was to mislead us as one would a child who think´s he knows what his birthday present is (apparently so they coulod spoiler it themselves). But no matter how benign the reasons, outright lying is never a good look…. "I can neiter confirm nor deny", "No Comment", "no specifics at this time", a thousand ways to deflect the question, and they chose the boldfaced lie…🤔

  4. This looks really interesting and like a breath of fresh air. I'm not sure why people seem so negative about this. Then again I haven't played retail for a long time so I don't know what's going on there.

  5. pls make a battle royale in dragonflight with normal abilityies too!
    i just wahha play team of 3 dps and many team like than no heal que etc FULL GOOOD STUFF WWHAT IS THIS HYBRID OF CALL OF DUTY AND WORLD OF EARCRAFT!!!


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