🐙 Siege of Boralus
⛰️ Grim Batol
👻 The Necrotic Wake
🦋 Mists of Tirna Scithe
🏦 The Stonevault
🕸️ City of Threads
🪽 The Dawnbreaker
🕷️ Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Blizzard please consider keeping m+ CLOSED until the hall of fame closes. It’s not fair that hardcore raiders have to do silly dungeons when we are trying to save Azeroth.
Music name?
Worst dungeons ever
Returning after quitting in Shadowlands? Guess what, two Shadowlands dungeons! You can never escape!!
Whoever decided to have shadowlands dungeons in the rotation does not deserve nice things in life.
With everything destiny 2 has stolen from wow, it's nice to see wow stealing back. But old content rotation… should have stolen something better….
Can we just get all the TWW dungeons for the whole addon + some old ones for each season?
and make 8 new dungeon each season? so much money, may can swap to suscription game, oh wait..
More BFA dungeons for season 2, it's great to return here!
Fix delves
Where are the m+ Version of the deadmines
🥱🥱 Yawn…
Blizzard please consider keeping m+ CLOSED until the hall of fame closes. It’s not fair that hardcore raiders have to do silly dungeons when we are trying to save Azeroth.
Why MoT 😝
The 2 worst TWW dungeons, great.
Worst dungeon rotation ever 😅
could have done without mists
The one dungeon everybody liked from shadowlands isnt in the rotation. Classic.
Grim Batol is amazing!!
Classic dungeons in next season please 😊
Where is the arcway or maw of souls !!!
Albina Forge
Really wanted Tol Dagor
Nice delve buff by like 500% Why we should have fun right Blizzard?
Samir Key
Már most rosszul vagyok
Ah BFA… The good old days!
What is this orchestral piece anyone know?
Stamm Coves
Most of these just made me groan. 😩
What is the release date of coming the wow in xbox ?
Sanford Motorway
Boris Pike