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Well met hunters,
In this video I’ll show you 10 rare hunter pets that are easy to miss throughout Azeroth. Most of these pets can be tamed by all specs and don’t require too much time to get to. If you think I missed anything, have any corrections, questions, or just want to say hi, feel free to leave a comment in the comment box. Thanks a lot for watching!
Unlocking Visions of N’zoth:
Taming Cloudserpents:
Taming Mechanicals:
So much pet
I'm sad because I'm a quest nut on my hunter and have Loremaster, so I can't get so many of these 🙁
Thanks for the awesome video! I can't wait to try and tame some of these cuties!!❤
Good Stuff!
IRC…Spirit of Atha used to be tamable as a green slime model.
My 'main' hunter is SoL on many of those, but I do have 14 more hunters. Stuff for them to do. Thanks for the reminder of fun pet tames!
Cally-ope? Bro, its pronounced "kuh-Lie-Oh-pee". You know like the thing that makes music?
I appreciate the video, thank you
Great Guide!
I love that bow! Which is it?
Red eel in Nerubian zone in the water is tameable for some reason, no special way to get it but doubt many know of it
New Hunter –
Couple questions –
How do I make both pets the same? How do I use skin from mounts? I saw you had Heavenly Cloud Serpent as a pet- how?
Is the Ghost Saber in Dark shore still a thing?
Thanks for these! Much appreciated. 😁👍🏼
2:15 to clarify: the taming process is interrupted when the beast attacks something other than yourself, not because other units are attacking it (that only might have them aggro it)
So having e.g. a friend Rogue stunlock the beast could also help in these situations.
I once tamed a Sabertron despite dozens of people hitting it because eager people kept it stunlocked 😀
TSM for this guide! I was figuring out how to get Irewing for my undead hunter.
Hope we get more videos like it!