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Raiding is a part of the game that I knew I wanted to see all of during the release of Classic WoW. Now several years later, and having experienced all the PvE content the Classic Trilogy had to offer, I want to answer the question – which bosses were hardest?
Today I rank the 10 HARDEST Raid Bosses In The Classic Trilogy (Vanilla, TBC, WotLK)
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I'd put Twin Emperors in here over Kel'Thuzad, who wasn't remotely difficult.
no chance was Lady Vashj harder than Kael thas
I wonder if pre-nerf C'thun with how optimized the game has become is still mathematically unkillable?
I was a bit disappointed with the Lich King fight. Not that it wasn’t difficult, the encounter design just did not live up to the hype for me. But in general ICC was when I just stopped enjoying raiding.
From World of Warriors to World of Warlocks
Come on now. We all know the hardest boss was the Undercity elevators. It was NEVER beaten. Only boss that got so bored of killing any and every challenger that it decided to pity us and retire.
There's only really a handful of genuinely difficult bosses in in each expansion before Cata. I think that's why they are so memorable. If every fight was difficult no-on would really remember Mimiron Fightfighter, for example.
Real talk: roster boss was hardest boss of all in any expac.
Bro posts the same video every week now
One thing that i remember was BT Progress back in Vanilla TBC where the mechanics were totally new. To Prepare for the Gorefiend somebody created a minigame were you could train the kitemechanic for the ghosts. Think that was fancy
Youngster doesn't have C'thun on his list. XT the only boss never beaten pre-nerf? Baloney.
C'thun was never beaten pre-nerf. It was likewise mathematically impossible with the gear and buffs at the time.
Blizzard should ban all add-ons.
Too much of classic wow factors in wbs
No encounter was harder than going against the lag once through the dark Portal😂
Nahhh for me top 1 and 2 is swapped. 0 Lights 25 man Yogg is WAAAAAY Harder than HC 25 LK.
You have no intonation. How did you learn to speak?
Sick of the same 3 videos getting re-released by you again and again and again.
I disagree about Vashj, it was mostly hard because of random moments and people often abused these mechanics with seeds and net. But overall its a good Top
Not gonna mention C'thun that was literally unkillable until they nerfed it into mathematically possible range?
People keep saying its because players were bad at the game, which is partially true. But nowadays, what really carries players are the guides and tools available. Back then you didn't have a google spreadsheet you could share in a discord with perfect voice communication.
TBC > All Expacs
Got to experience this trilogy for the first time due to being too young to play it back in the day. Highlights for me are definitely beating Kael and Vash the last Monday before the nerf and finally getting HC Lich King two weeks before the guild disbanded on a high note
I only played Naxx in 2019- Classic, but by far Sapphiron seemed to be the most difficult boss.
It is such a different game after vanilla, then to the first couple expansions, and then after into retail eras.
In vanilla and to a lesser extent TBC and Wrath bugs might last for weeks to months on raid bosses along with the lack of game knowledge that took years for the community to build along with the addons and automation.
People would also be thrown into them completely fresh to learn and make strategies for, as opposed to everyone having them on farm for weeks in testing before they go live and having bugs fixed mid raid if needed.
So while they got mechanically harder as time went on they are very hard to ever compare directly.
You forgot the elevator boss in SSC 🤣
Why are you spamming your character screen on the LK footage?
Will we ever get a boss that is LK 0% difficulty level in Classic? Anything in MOP?
Without watching the video, I'm gonna guess it's mostly icc and ulduar bosses as that's where giving bosses hard modes really took off. Maybe muru , and prenerf cthun for good measure
Totally agree with this list so good had a lot of fun killing all these bosses man thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Its mad how putricide was only the 6th boss in ICC but on Heroic he was harder than blood council and syndragosa 😂
I was primarily in the same guild during all of vanilla, and then a different guild from TBC to current.
We never killed Vashj or Kael pre-nerf. Same with M'uru.
We did kill H LK 25 but not til the instance buff was at full 25%, and H Putricide was at 15% if I recall correctly.
We also did Yogg 0 Lights in 25 but it was 2-3 weeks after ToGC launched so we had a little help from new gear.
But we did handle 4 Horsemen, K'T, Firefighter, and Algalon when they were current. I will add we dealt with roster boss a couple times during TBC.
So from my own experience, I would move Yogg0 and Algalon down, and move M'uru and Vashj up. I'd also give honorable mention to Twin Emps. Pretty solid list though.
I personally thought that Alone in the Darkness was considerably harder (in it's current patch, not with ICC gear), than Lich King 25 heroic. You didn't mention the main mechanic in phase 3 which was the Shadow Beacon, the boss would mark 3 random adds and after 10 seconds throw them an aoe heal which could not only hit other adds but also the boss himself and stacked. The adds themselves did more damage based on how much health they had, so if this hit the stack of Immortal Guardians even once, it was a wipe. It was very hard to get 3 adds out in three separate directions in only 10 seconds using mostly hunters Distracting Shot, without them hitting the same one, or the wrong one. For the re release they intentionally changed the name of these targets to have the prefix "Marked" meaning targeting macros made it a lot easier.
IMO these are the 10 hardest bosses. I've played all of them as all roles (tank/healer/dps) in both guild and pug (SR+GDKP) settings, both as a member and RL.
In a rough order without having watched the TBC/WotLK parts yet – also accounting somewhat for tools and utility available:
1. LK HC, Yogg0, M'uru
2. Algalon, Eredar Twins, 4HM
3. Mimiron HM, Kael'Thas, Kel'Thuzad
Honorable mentions: Putricide HC, Vashj, Illidan, C'thun, Shade of Aran (lul)
Man I don't know. I saw way more groups die to the final dragon in RS in dragon flight then I ever saw on the LK. Split the raid into two different planes all personal responsibilities insane heal check. Even when I played wrath on private servers years ago people still would screw that fight up. I can understand since it was literally in the last month of lich King or so it came about and the loot was better then LK with a lot of BiS for everyone. To not even have ruby sanctum listed feels insulting
You missed Hakkar with no high priests killed
I have no idea what metric did you use to decide the hardest bosses, but putting KT or 4H over Anub, Halion, Sindragosa or even KJ is insane to me.
I'm sorry but they gotta put Heroism/Bloodlust exhaustion in TBC this time around. I love TBC but the hard requirement of one shaman per group minimum for an ideal group is wack AF. It was also lame having to either never get lust or having to rotate lusts weekly because you weren't the ideal class/group to get it, so your shaman would be swapped to stack lust on the higher dps tier class group.
The bosses arent hard, its the people you play with that make it hard.
Wrath was a step up in difficulty? maybe the skill of the average player at the time since the veterans leaving the game due to the influx of retards went down makes it appear harder, Ulduar was easy, ToGC was easy, ICC was easy until heroic LK. Please be accurate with statements Willie. To be fair yes Putricide was a difficult fight, not just challenging and at least in classic was a fun fight to do.
defile was easy to run out of without boots, if you had boots there is no excuse
Lets face it, none of these bosses are hard, they were but that was because of other factors such as bad connections and limited pc's. Classic proved that every raid gets steamrolled.
I remember a buddy of mine going to Sunwell before I even started playing. Trash pulls were wiping his raid, so you can image what the bosses did to them 🙂
Kalecgos deserves a spot here. For all the non-good guilds like mine, this fight was so brutal, made Sunwell so frustrating when you couldn't even get past the first boss.