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Mythic +13 Difficulty Plaguefall Dungeon ‘Chested’ on a Night Fae Restoration Druid in the Shadowlands 9.0 Patch of World of Warcraft. Affixes = Fortified, Spiteful, Grievous, Prideful.
Hello everyone! Another Keystone Video here. This run was far from perfect, but still good enough to chest. The biggest mistake was at ~14:12 into the run – the tank suggested a new strat for pathing that we had not tried before, and I messed it up royally. This cost us a lot of time between the ensuing wipes, and I was worried that we wouldn’t chest after it happened. Thankfully we *somewhat* recovered and despite the wipe we had enough time left to chest. Dying on the last boss right at the end of the run was scary as well, but thankfully we finished the boss off and chested with some really nice loot drops to top it all off. =)
Also, sorry that my “Details! Streamer” Plugin was obscured by my Interrupt Tracker Weakaura, I forgot to move it after raid – my bad!