WoW Director Says New Expansion Is Perfect for Returning Players

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Watch as we catch up with game director Ion Hazzikostas as he breaks down World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ accessibility for new players as the eighth expansion in a 16-year-old game, and why it was important to bring the max level back down to its original cap.


41 thoughts on “WoW Director Says New Expansion Is Perfect for Returning Players”

  1. Ultimately this expansion will fall flat on it's face because this company has no idea how to please it's players anymore….only it's shareholders.

  2. If that's the case then why is it so f-ing expensive to get back into the game? The fact is you need to buy two expansions to even start, that's $60 up front + ~$180 a year on top of it just to maintain status. For 1 game! Pricing model has to change or it'll never happen.

  3. LOL more like :" pls we need your wallet and soul again "
    Blizzard, stop being greedy.
    Cancel the monthly overpriced subscription . And then we can talk about "returning"

    – do u guys have no phones?
    – warcraft 3 reforged
    – All expansion after warth of the lich king..

  4. They will say anything to get people to return. The game is meant for no lifers this isnt a game you can casually play and this comes from someone who plays a lot of MMOs. The game has grown so stale and No DLC could save it at this point.

  5. how about WOW embrace the higher frequencies and stop promoting war and dystopia? There is soooo much incredible possibilities and realities and magic abilities, why not create an incredible world of beaut and elegance? WE can still have skills, mystery, and intrigue, but we don't always have to go into heinous soul eating blah blah blah


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