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Watch as we catch up with game director Ion Hazzikostas as he breaks down World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ accessibility for new players as the eighth expansion in a 16-year-old game, and why it was important to bring the max level back down to its original cap.
New headline. Game Director would like to make money and keep their job.
No it is not, this dude…Haha.
Ultimately this expansion will fall flat on it's face because this company has no idea how to please it's players anymore….only it's shareholders.
Make it free to play without subscription and I'll return
Of course
Hes got that elon musk head nod.
Just release tbc already
Firestorm MoP server > Retail
WoW is a dying breed. WoW classic is the only thing keeping them alive
I believe they said the same thing last expansion. And the one before that. And the one before that.
Hows that going….
WoW players are like the boomers of the gaming world
The question is can they take back the WoW refugees from FFXIV and other MMORPGs
wow died with arthas, hazzikostas held the bloody dagger
If that's the case then why is it so f-ing expensive to get back into the game? The fact is you need to buy two expansions to even start, that's $60 up front + ~$180 a year on top of it just to maintain status. For 1 game! Pricing model has to change or it'll never happen.
WoW Director says New Expansion is perfect for Milking Players Pockets.
NEWS: "huge corporation wants you to give them money"
Did you guys steal this to from another hard working channel?
Why do these commenters even watch IGN videos? So much saltiness and hate.
The title is there just to plant the seed into our heads.
It would be cool if it’s vr
Wow is dead and buried, i moved to FF14 way better mmo
Save your soul, don't return to wow.
Wake me up when this ancient dated garbage is free to play or they make actual Wow2.
i don’t think so.
Sounds a lot like "We don't have anyone playing our game anymore."
LOL more like :" pls we need your wallet and soul again "
Blizzard, stop being greedy.
Cancel the monthly overpriced subscription . And then we can talk about "returning"
– do u guys have no phones?
– warcraft 3 reforged
– All expansion after warth of the lich king..
Of course he'd say that. I am really losing my respect for you for making a title out of that.
Who in there right mind still plays this in 2020 with so many better options available?
Ion Hasn'tGotAClue
This guy seems very content with himself and that's perplexing to me.
They will say anything to get people to return. The game is meant for no lifers this isnt a game you can casually play and this comes from someone who plays a lot of MMOs. The game has grown so stale and No DLC could save it at this point.
I’m not going back till George souros leaves or dies I don’t care he needs to go!!!
The game is doing okay right now. Im excited about shadowlands.
im sorry but yes but no thank you, i gave 8 years of my teenage years to wow. Im fine just watching the cinematics on youtube. Im cured.
Would rather eat dirt than go back to WOW.
It takes even more than staying home 24/7 because of a deadly virus consider returning to this game, but nice try with the bait!
Great questions from Mark
Honestly I will give it a try before judging because I like where the lore is leading right now.
how about WOW embrace the higher frequencies and stop promoting war and dystopia? There is soooo much incredible possibilities and realities and magic abilities, why not create an incredible world of beaut and elegance? WE can still have skills, mystery, and intrigue, but we don't always have to go into heinous soul eating blah blah blah