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#mistweaver #monk #mysticall
Watch me live!
Had some fun doing a 19 that I thought was going to instantly deplete when a Shadow Priest went offline. He came back and we absolutely crushed this key!! I am not the best, but if you have ANY questions, please let me know!!
Time Stamps:
00:00 Setup
00:54 Trash + Boss 1
08:24 Trash + Boss 2
20:19 Trash + Boss 3
27:51 Trash + Boss 4
Dont do this to me Mystical, do not make me gear my MW now.
FW is such a fun playstyle, appreciate the explanation through it
How do you have your party's CDs near your UI franes?
Rly want to have that one
hey, you should try using clique for your mouseovers
Hey man, your unitframes look like the default blizz raid frames but how did you get the buffs to go to a second line? mine cap out at 3 and it would be great to get a second row – good to see you enjoying PvE and a mw bro in the wild
Haste %?
This route is very old
Huge fan man! It pains me not to see you taking advantage of being a necrolord this entire run tho, those slime buffs are pretty good.
Sweet man. I'm no pro like u, but i've made mouse over macros for all them sweet monk heals. No addon used for it. In all it helps alot when not having to click party, only mobs <3
You say you aren't the best… But quite frankly who is the best MW if not you? Carrying the MW class during these hard times.
mysticall, is chi wave playable on pvp?
I use clique for my healing keybinds…and i have soothing mist keybound to my mousewheel up button…
22:06 had me sweating..
/tar @mouseover
/cast Soothing Mist
If you didn’t make a macro yet
Hi Mysticall, i know you use Ver/Mastery for PVP. May I know M+? Fistweaver build what is the stat priority? Thanks in advance.
5:45 that song was good tho @mysticall LOL
love the vid mate, really enjoyed tbh!. one thing tho dont forget in plaguefall and theater of pain u gain buffs for being Necrolord. if u see red purple or green slimes in plaguefall use ur flesh craft to gain either 25% haste for whole team 10% damage reduction and a poison dps buff
Zmok did 22+ as mw prettty ez
That 1k dps is useful and fun. Most fun healer right now (but I refuse to play paladin lul). Been fistweaving since this expansion launched and hope I never have to go back to standing at ranged bored.
hey,can someone help me to find "rainbow effect" ? when i use roll,tiger lust etc if need macro its ok but how can i do this visual effect while running faster ? is there a different way a toy in dalaran rare toy-seller ?