The Next YEAR Of Warcraft, And A BIG Leak

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Patch 10.1.7, 10.2, 10.2.5, 10.2.7, 10.3, and WoW’s next expansion. There’s a lot to talk about!

00:00 An Intense Few Months
00:17 The Direct Future
10:28 Leaked Creative Direction


35 thoughts on “The Next YEAR Of Warcraft, And A BIG Leak”

  1. Honestly I find Akexstrasza super cool, in a mature and humble way, like a wise thousands of years old creature would be. Getting kinda bored of all the flash and bombast, eventually that just becomes cringe. Gotta give credit to night warrior Tyrande though, that edge did fit her well.

  2. Chris metzen is back… uhm lets see, Thrall will be a major character again… and a lot of orc related BS all over again, horde will do crap and Alliance will have to fix again "theramore, SoO, Burning of teldrasil, Poisoning of Lordaeron, the wrathgate… and lots of hineous acts horde did for the sake of "for the horde" bs, but in the end Alliance has to fix it all… And the part of Thrall being a major character again is cause the man alterego is Thrall, based on whispers from former blizz insiders. So get ready to listen to more boring Metzen voice lines and bla bla bla

  3. I just want them to stop dumping shit on night elves.
    Make the Horde pay for their crimes. Let Horde slaves rebuild the night elf cities. Give night elves back their lands and a brand new capital.

  4. WoW isn’t meant to be a wholesome game. The clue is in the fucking name. War isn’t wholesome. But, by all means Blizzard, keep making your game about homosexual dragons and cultivating little whelps.

  5. Dude, I've been watching your content for years now, on and off (mostly on), and your reporting has previously been generally cool (massively clickbaity titles & thumbnails aside).

    But… poo-poo-ing "feel good" content? Like, in your world, people don't get to have a fantasy where things end well and there is peace to enjoy & build in, and gentler emotions than hate & rage are allowed out, showcased, and allowed some time in the sun?

    You've now lost me as a watcher of your work, you've lost my likes and subscribes, and I hope what you seem to want WoW to be – a rage-fuelled hopeless & unending struggle – does not come to pass. If I want that kind of atmosphere, Warhammer 40,000 exists. Shame. 😔

  6. I love the concept of Dragonflight, but I do not love Dragonflight. I've spent less time playing than during any other expansion. There are fun elements, but it lacks the wow factor for the most part. I've pretty much stopped caring. And the last two max level zones are just meh. I survived WoD and Shaddowlands, but I'm finally contemplating letting my subscription lapse.

  7. If they actually think that putting effort into a cinematic while leaving the gameplay as it is, is going to keep me paying. They must have lost their minds … especially after the garbage that is D4.

  8. WoW can be wholesome, but there is a reason why it's called WORLD OF WARCRAFT and not World of Cuddles. Just saying. Because we're "living" in a world filled with conflict and drama, so while some mushy and wholesome content is FINE, on the whole we as players are literally bashing our ways through expansions, knee deep in blood and gore, and we barely have time to wipe said blood from our faces in between expansions too. Heck most pre-events are actual wars.

  9. I think one persons dream of what would make wow a better game is another person's nightmare. You have to straddle the line of trying to please the most amount of people so you get the most amount of subscriptions and that's what their trying to do.

  10. Hey @BellularGaming you guys had an ad/sponsor recently for an online learning platform for software/game development. What was it? Loot dot dev or something along those lines? Having a hard time finding it :/

  11. I want to see in WOW, amazing Story Telling. I tried FFXIV and I was blown away. They send you on quests about the story, not to go get 10 bear hearts. Yeah you do that super early leveling but that is to learn how to play. I want the Story to really WOW ME!!!!!!!!!!

  12. But Bellular, you gotta think of the "modern" audience and all of their sensitivities. If we put the war back into Warcraft, we gonna need trigger warnings on cinematics. 😛

    Joking aside, I think too many people are living in nostalgia and don't want to admit that WoW is no longer made for them. There is no reclaiming the past. Even if they did, there's no guarantee that people are going to return and feel the same as they did pre-BFA. People are trying to chase something that is fleeting and its not healthy for people to continue obsessing over what can't be brought back.

    Much of the old WoW team has been gutted, either changing studios or due to the allegations of misconduct, something that has been prevalent in Blizzard's culture while under Chris Metzan, may I remind people. Again, every good expansion is an expansion that existed during the timeline we were given when the harassment took place, all under Chris's watch. That team is gutted and I doubt the current team are going to take Chris seriously knowing he comes from the "old boys" club.

    There's also the fact that WoW is becoming a sandbox for the roleplayers, with much of the focus now being on cosmetics, mounts and developing art assets which get used frequently by WoW's art community, particularly the artists familiar with programs like Blender. Everything is being catered to an audience who like to make their own characters, aka "OCs",

    The direction for WoW is no longer for sweaty people who like their mechanics, its for roleplayers who like their new zones and their cosmetics so they can recreate their OCs within the game. I'd love for an actual journalist style channel to properly delve into how much of modern WoW is reminiscence of the culture behind 5th Edition D&D. Even the lore seems to now be canonizing the old WoW RPG rather than the RTS games of old.

    Shadowlands, for example, was inspired by an actual TTRPG campaign and one of the devs even shared concept art & assets in a Twitter post that documented where the inspiration behind the design of that expansion came from. Yes, that's right, it came from an actual home game that the team had done together years prior.

    I will not be surprised if the current direction of WoW is aimed to be purposefully lacking in direct plot development to cater to a smaller audience of WoW to try and dip into the bucks being made by Critical Role and varying TTRPG systems.

    It truly does feel like a war between the old school D&D crowd that originally inspired Warcraft/World of Warcraft and that of the new generation.

  13. I feel like Warcraft fans complain far too much.

    It wasn't so long ago that we were literally questing through KORTHIA.
    Now you're all complaining about the story being too wholesome?
    The Dragonflight cinematic, and the expansion itself was meant to signal a step away from the content-less and boring Shadowlands. Let it cook a little longer. I'm willing to bet the next expansion will feel more badass and more like warcraft.

    There's no need to complain about everything. If you're not enjoying it, go play something else. There are SOO many games to enjoy right now. You know you'll be back when the next patch drops.

  14. The dragonflights cinematic is my favorite that they've ever put out. The words they chose to have the life-binder speak were very particular and they spoke right to all of us who wants to be a part of healing the game that we have spent so much time with and love so much.

    I can't wait to see what the developers do next. Dragonflight hasn't been perfect but it's been a marked improvement from what we've had in the past.

  15. Men seriously never grow up. lol
    30 and 40 yo men needing "cool edgy edgelord" shots everysingle time a cinematic drops vs. meaningful cool story drops. Like come on, that's so 10yo lol
    Also it's so weird grown men d*** riding Chris like he's some god, he's the leader of DBags that created the horrid culture on the WoW team, big woop he's back – just keep up the changes made in DF and making a good game and idgaf who makes it.


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