1v2 Shrine retail mage wow pvp dragonflight #viral #tiktok #fyp #funny #trending #gaming #shorts lol March 25, 2024 by Aluneth Master Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg source
I feel like, after breaking LoS the first time most of that movement and spinning, probably added nothing to help you win 🥵😂👍 good video though Reply
I had the absolute honor of playing with you in a BG, arathi basin, and listen to you complain about how dumb hunters are xD Reply
Как я рад, что закончил играть в далёком 2005 году, Word of Warcraft все ближе и ближе, по рисовке и графике к Lineage 2, даже смотреть больно Reply
Do you have your music playlist somewhere that you can share? Your music choice is just top notch! Reply
Man I used to love this kind of videos back in the 2010 is really nice to see this againAnd nice fight Reply
Bro is Mr Warcraft. He is the main character
I feel like, after breaking LoS the first time most of that movement and spinning, probably added nothing to help you win 🥵😂👍 good video though
Wtf is that hunter doing …. No traps no push back no shell no disengage…and back pedalling 🤣🤣🤣
Perfect done , muy bien amigo !!!
shrine for life 😮
that was SICK 🔥🔥🔥
I had the absolute honor of playing with you in a BG, arathi basin, and listen to you complain about how dumb hunters are xD
Joga muito mano
Reminds me of Vurtne’s videos from vanilla WoW
que bien jugado, eres un grande bravísimo
Как я рад, что закончил играть в далёком 2005 году, Word of Warcraft все ближе и ближе, по рисовке и графике к Lineage 2, даже смотреть больно
Do you have your music playlist somewhere that you can share? Your music choice is just top notch!
Song name? :O
Man I used to love this kind of videos back in the 2010 is really nice to see this again
And nice fight
Que wow es?
Is all of your damage from arcane missiles?
have a like good sir!
Эти эпизоды хороши потому что остальные противники тупо раки или договорные бои
pvp in wow sucks