25-Nov-2024 Grubby Live Stream – World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore – Undead Mage (aka Lich)

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13 thoughts on “25-Nov-2024 Grubby Live Stream – World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore – Undead Mage (aka Lich)”

  1. the most boring experience and thousands people are watching, jesus where did world go wrong, shobek is the only good noticeable thing from this, all else is just nostalgia with hint of populism from known streamers, most unfun content

  2. Lmao love supporting the bad stream habits Kapp

    The one more hour moment was great! 🎉

    I fell asleep 20 minutes before end came back to the vod to catch up.

    Look forward to the stream today! ❤

  3. Jumping/moving affects your character’s hitbox, which impacts the radius of your self-centered AoE abilities (such as arcane explosion and frost nova). The upshot is if you are moving while casting them their radius is increased a little as opposed to standing still, and if you jump and cast them the radius is even larger than when moving.

    Also if you see this, when you get blink bind it to your most accessible side mouse button and thank me later ;).


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