9.1 Rogue Sims Are Here – Sub Rogue Is Back? – Shadowlands Guide- World of Warcraft

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New sims are out for 9.1! Lets take a look and see whats best for the sanctum of domination!!!

My 9.1 rogue cheatsheet




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18 thoughts on “9.1 Rogue Sims Are Here – Sub Rogue Is Back? – Shadowlands Guide- World of Warcraft”

  1. ► ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/infexious ◄ ◄ streaming monday to friday — come and join us!!!!
    Take all of this with a grain of salt! This is maths, mistakes can be made and changes/optimizations can happen! Results may vary in raid scenarios! Just wanted to share what the community is looking at in this video! – Like the video of you like sim videos 🙂

  2. I'm going for st assa and aoe outlaw on necrolord. Sub looks good but it is only a sim. At the end of the day it depends on the weapons. I'm still laughing every wednesday when the great vault says "oh hi, you wont get a weapon like the other 20000 weeks before" 😀

  3. So, is sub back? It depends. It is viable again, yes, nice. But 300-400 dps higher than assassination is not enough, not only because of multitargetcleave.

    Before the launch of SL, sub simmed insanely good, too, it was even considered top tier. The thing that is often forgotten, is the fact that the specs loose a different amount of value due to moving and lower uptime. Assa looses the least dmg, outlaw is mediocre and sub looses the most. That's why I would argue sub is NOT the strongest st-spec. The only thing where it shines is the burst-potential. In every other aspect assa or outlaw will be better, i think.

    I've read speculations, that the dagger will be scaling best with sub, maybe it pulls ahead this way, but I would not bet on it. But overall, it's good to see all 3 specs viable. <3
    One performance-utility for rogues in general and I would be happy.

  4. Yeh it will be nurfed when it pops up on blizzards radar, my opinion, don’t switch as you will have the covenant shit to do then probably then be gimped by blizzards nurfs. Wait a month or 2 after launch before pulling the trigger.

  5. While I know Outlaw will dominate M+, will Sin be at least good in M+? Sin is the only spec I really still enjoy a lot in WoW (which I don't play as much these days in itself).

  6. These covenant abilities are such shite. Dunno why they brought them in, it should of been entirely cosmetic. I wanna stay Night Fae because the theme fits my character but literally feel like a clown for doing so 🤡

  7. Sub rogue still one of the dogshit spec in pve , unless they overtuned , and last tiem they was in Uldir on 1 boss . or TOS. and for this they suffer almost 3 years . dont think sub ever outdps on progress SIn , you almost never lose dps as sin rogue and its much easier spec to play in hard fights.

  8. No point even thinking about sub as all the talk and hype about sub before slands released was simply out done by outlaw with celerity in every situation even st bosses until they reworked assass


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