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Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack with 500k Silver, Energy and Chicken⚡️ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
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Timestamps –
00:00 – 3 New Power Infusion Spells & Weekly Updates
00:39 – Patch 10.2.6 & season 4 release date
03:00 – New sub classes & hero talents revealed
09:07 – New holiday rewards to collect
10:53 – Cross realm mythic amirdrassil
11:21 – Amirdrassil raid nerfs
12:12 – Season of Discovery Phase 2 went live
FTC disclaimer this video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack with 500k Silver, Energy and Chicken⚡ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
Pretty disappointing, to be honest. WoW has always desperately needed permanent progression and this just seems like you'll get max level and forget all about this system again. Everquest's Alternative Advancement system was genius compared to this.
I want my Spirit Shell back! 😢
where the fuck are the ret hero talent trees man i dont give af about any other class or spec damn it why they stalling
DH should get a 3rd spec
SoD is going become a problem for blizz to keep supporting, keep in mind they have layoffs, so fewer devs to support now three versions of wow
They seriously should add the Bard subclass to the game. I would love that.
Hey folks i love salami
Could you call them Hero Talents instead of subclasses? They’re like… specifically not subclasses.
The end of classes in WoW, everyone is going to be able to do everything coming here soon. Hunter healers, mage tanks, you will see. Its just going to make the game more bland, then they will take away this crap for the next expansion with some other temp power boost giving you the illusion of change without really having to change anything. OMG 10% more healing….wow ground breaking.
C'mon Kelani, Raid: Shadows Legends DOES suck.
This whole example of oracle talents is the worst of the worst and we need new people working on this asap. Its like going to your favorite restaurant and they tell you they redid the menu. It turns out now u get 3 more salad leaves with your salad. THIS IS NOT REDOING THE MENU. Mediocrity at its finest. Example of a good rework? Oracle buff gives you new abilites that do extra magical damage depending on the enemy youre fighting. For example increased dmg against demons. Another example? Extended dome of protection (protego maxima dome) for every healer class but its just adapted to their class, like branches for druids, and then you can just allow players to farm cosmetics (spellcrafting) like winter, autumn, spring etc looks of this “branches protego maxima dome”. THIS IS PROPER INTERESTING DESIGN!!
They dont need to nerf the raid on heroic at all this is literally the easiest aotc thats ever existed and ive done every single one of them
is this patch in the test server already?
Blizz keeps dropping the ball at all these opportunities to bring a true necromancer class.
Sorry but i wouldnt call them "awesome". Players feedback thruout the whole DF exp was that PI is bad, and look at what blizz did
Frostfire coming back!! OMG
I hope that whatever their "surprise" event is will be better than the Reclamation of Gilneas was.
Blizzard: We don't do borrowed power. Also blizzard: anyway hero talent
Frostfire Mage… it looks like a carbon copy of Black Mage from Final Fantasy 14?
Not playing till they shit can dragonflight professions, talent trees and make shaman playable on a non mongrel race ffs. No one loves having to switch a talent build depending on single talent or aoe. 👎🏻
stop calling shit for a new expansion that is still over a patch away and can change at any fucking moment a god damn update. its fucking not. noone gives a shit about garbage that is not actively in the game and is probably gonna change before it comes out anyways.
I would rather poo in my hands and clap exicitedly than play Raid Shadow Legends, its just a poor game to grab as much cash as possible
I wonder, when you level in the new xpac, whether you have to put points in the Heroic talent tree, or you can continue to pit points in the regular tree. There are points in my BM spec I would love to grab.
BM hunters don’t even use black arrow smh…
imo dark ranger should have been a subclass of survival/mm considering how sylvanas uses both her daggers and bow depending on situation, and as another example how dark ranger npcs can be seen with bow and swords in undercity.
It's pathetic how many desperate creators accept "sponsorships" from raid these days. Especially given the pitiful amount of compensation they give now. Doesn't seem worth it, considering your reputation always takes a hit.
I'm so not interested in's the same game with a different twist…no thank you.I will stick with retail
Anyone reckon the trading post will continue thru the world soul saga???
Raid Shadow Legends does suck, only content creators looking for cash by reading the scripts they get sent think otherwise .. I'm sad to see you descending to their level.
Not sure how you make the new hero trees into "subclasses" lmfao, wont be any difference to your spec, just get more special shit wdym
50 thousand gold to the artisans? what a crock of crap for just 10 chieve points. lmfao. no ty.
Ugh Raid Shadow Legends…