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0:00 – Intro
0:42 – S Tier
3:59 – A+ Tier
6:15 – A Tier
7:37 – B Tier
9:49 – C Tier
11:07 – Recap
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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, tier list, best, class, spec, 9.1.5, melee, ranged, caster, comp, 2v2, 2s
Oh yes finally thanks y'all
This is cool..
i wish and pray for the day i get to play double dps against double dps. i hate hate hate healers in 2s. i with it was its own thing. heal/dps vs heal dps all day. i wanna fucking slit my wrists fighting healers as double dps.
didn't bone dust brew get a nerf in pvp in 9.1.5? it only does 66% to players in pvp now.
Surprise surprise DPS+Healer
I love your videos but this new Picture in Picture style I really don’t like, especially watching on a phone. Seems like about 30-35% of the screen is wasted. I think showing the gameplay full screen and using overlays would work much better.
10:07 But unholy does have a mortal strike effect!
Noo skillcapped!! Don't tell the plebs about the glory of outlaw!
where is enha shaman? LOL
If you need a scripter or an analyzer i'm here !
I got randomly one shotted by a Fae fury warrior 2 days ago through 40k aftershock lmao. He just charged me and I saw the spirit healer.
So if you play healer, just dont play mw and you good 🙁
What do you think about pairing Havoc with a Disc priest? I've had success with it up until 2100, since their dispels and dmg can help you easily take down an enemy healer.
Why? Why the massive picture border? The matches are so tiny, go back to just full screen with overlay, get rid of the useless gray frame.
miserable afflocks
they said my name faceRoll lol warr btw
Lol rip my holy paladin