9.2.5 Holy Priest M+ Gameplay | +25 Necrotic Wake (Fortified) – WoW Shadowlands Season 3

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2.5 Shadowlands Kyrian Holy Priest healer mythic plus gameplay PoV video. This video covers +25 Necrotic Wake dungeon healing for FORTIFIED – INSPIRING – GRIEVOUS affix. This is season 3 run with the new Encrypted affix.

Disclaimer: This is a random group and my gameplay could have been better as I am learning Holy Priest!

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Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Expansion.

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6 thoughts on “9.2.5 Holy Priest M+ Gameplay | +25 Necrotic Wake (Fortified) – WoW Shadowlands Season 3”

  1. If they make flash con a talent next xpac im switching mains. I HATE the chore of keeping the buff up, and having a weakarua beep at me every 15 seconds of my existence in wow is so annoying, ive almost entirely toned it out lol. I think my biggest issue with hpriest is that you have two really solid kits in your arsenal, stong aoe and stong single target but blizzard cant get holy to a good state to use both. for the past couple expacs now its been either all aoe healing or all single target healing and i just want to be able to use all my tools, not leave half of them on the shelf to dust over


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