9.2 MY *NEW* HEALER MAIN! Why Resto Druid? Gameplay, Covenants & Legendaries | WoW Shadowlands

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End Restoration Druid guide video. This video looks at the new druid tier set bonus, double legendary combinations & crafting slots. I also cover the most popular covenants for druid in raid and M+ content.

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I look at Restoration Druid in Shadowlands Patch 9.2!

00:00 Intro
00:45 Why Resto Druid?
03:33 Raid
11:35 Mythic Plus

Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits(Night Fae)
/cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cast [nochanneling:Convoke the Spirits(Night Fae)] Convoke the Spirits(Night Fae)

#showtooltip Adaptive Swarm(Necrolord)
/cast [@mouseover, harm][] Adaptive Swarm(Necrolord)

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19 thoughts on “9.2 MY *NEW* HEALER MAIN! Why Resto Druid? Gameplay, Covenants & Legendaries | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Personally it is super fun as cat to pop HotW + Sigil trinket + Convoke as NF Korayn (25% crit buff when you first damage enemy) than Necro Swarm. The burst is insane. You might lose some consistent damage since HotW is 5min cd. Which is why running Resonant trinket makes up for it. Totally agree with you that rdudus in M+ should run dps trinkets. Great vid! :*

  2. i was a resto druid before 9.2 but my guild needed a holy paladin so i swapped and now i am regretting it especially considering the 4 set bonus for hpal is useless for venthyr

  3. Soul of the forest also procs during convoke! you mentioned nature's swiftness + convoke, but not soul. With SotF proc'd during convoke, so all regroths and reju 200% extra, and wildgroth +75% extra. So, use your 3rd swiftmend (to proc tree-form) then use convoke, your next ability is still enpowered, so use wildgroth. Unless you get a wildgroth during convoke, than you might not want to use wildgroth instantly. wildgroth always targets the lowest players (in range) and will overwrite any excisting wildgroth hot. Sometimes, convoke casts wildgroth AND flourish. Thats 14 sec hot, which will be replaced by the new wildgroth, so thats a waist. This doesnt happen often, but it is worth knowing.

    Love your channel, i hope you make more videos about grid 2 for raiding setup for 9.2/ tips and tricks!

  4. I've been a RDruid main for 5 years, it's nice to be relevant in raid again. 🙂 I still would love it if they gave us DR for all the raid during tranquility. It would also be nice to be able to contribute more DPS in M+. My alt is a RShaman; which does broken dps with vesper/earthquake. RDruid was #4 M+ healer this week, with RSham the only S tier, then holy priest, holy pal. I think the 10% hps/dps increase helped, but pretty obvious that more is needed to help us in 5 man content.

  5. You should try necro + circle in m+. Its a little less st than draught, but It will improve aoe much more. Rotation' s wise up to 4 targets you spread Sunfire/munfire/rip; up to 8 targets you spread moonfire/Sunfire; 8+ targets just Sunfire/swipe

  6. Watched your Holy key earlier, if you boon on Urh kill or a sec after, you can get no cd Blasts for bosses/mini bosses! Not sure if someone had mentioned it already but it’s hugeeee for single target


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