9.2 PTR Shadowlands Season 3 M+ Affix Changes INSANE CDR

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Hey, im always streaming Raids and M+! I stream other games too, swing over to twitch and lets hang out!

Plater Script:

0:00 intro
1:05 Old Buffs
2:09 Vy Buff
3:16 Urh Buff
4:40 Wo Buff
6:08 Outro


8 thoughts on “9.2 PTR Shadowlands Season 3 M+ Affix Changes INSANE CDR”

  1. I dont really get why healers are saying they will run it of mana faster due to the haste
    You are not sacrificing any other stat for that haste
    Meaning you cast the same amount healing spells to top someone but you can cast more damaging spells

  2. hey i wanted to ask you about dh venthyr + eyebeam legendaries comp , do you think it's going to get nerfed ? im planning to play havoc instead of ww next patch because of it but not sure if they going to nerf it or not , it's fun and feels rly strong in ptr but if they going to nerf it i prefer just playing my ww


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