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0:00 – Intro
1:04 – Best Melee
4:48 – Best Ranged
7:16 – Best Healers
10:20 – Recap
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Hey guys! We'll be back over the next few days with full melee, ranged and healer tier lists predictions. Enjoy!
Al fin estaba esperando esto, videos para mancos como yo.
Best spec is not playing wow
Hunters were worthless for so long
Oh boy, I can’t wait for SV to get nerfed before Sub/Fire/BM/DH. Because… reasons
What about enhance ? how does it stand right now ?
"Are you coming back for Patch 9.2? "
Sadly? Noooope….bb WoW
Soooo… Play RMP? That's all I got from this video?
holy priest is broken as fuck
also survival hunter/rogue/mage no comment, they did so many nerfs on off healing and war def stance
they didnt even touch the classes i mentioned, i dont know what the fuck are they doing
also new resonator trinket is to busted for setup based comps in 3s. its just another iportunity to kill target without having burst cds at all
best spec to play? none spend time doing something else this season is gonna be absolut shit.
Finally, Survival is viable again! Imo, its been the most enjoyable Hunter spec since it became a hybrid melee spec
It’s the exact same classes as always!!!! I don’t even give A FUCK about the overall design anymore, when the class balance is this skewed, unfair and retarded!! I’d rather just play the class I want, clicking one button only until I reach my goal.
Seeing RMP stay top for years and years is annoying.
Just play RMP, nothing will ever change, the comp stays broken, everyone knows it, including you guys at skillcapped. I'm not excited at all for this season and the reason is clear at day. The dmg is already high enough that it's unbearable for almost everyone, now add double legendaries AND tier sets. Fuck no I'm not excited for this season and I'm not gonna play it. They won't nerf anything that needs nerfs anyways. You heard it right here first and I'll be back for screenshots later, Shadowlands season 3 will be the worst pvp we've ever seen in WoW
I am just amazed at how they literally made every part of R/M/P even better this season!….It's just getting really out of hand when it comes to pvp/arena. Meanwhile specs like Mistweaver and DK etc just got dogged on and they were already not doing well. I just have no idea how they keep letting this happen.
Didn’t watch yet, but if holy priest is not #1 in both healer and ranged dps this list is fake. And if sub rogue isn’t on the melee list idk what is going on!
Up next is healers…..
Oh, lemme guess…… Priest and Resto Druid??
…. and its priest and druid lmfao!!
Blizzards, let's buff the most played and highest winning specs and continue to screw the ones nobody is playing and has the lowest win rates!!
Mistweaver will just keep riding the bench 🙁
Every top tier comp got nerfed, while RMP got buffed and have great gains from 9.2 systems…. Ty Blizz….